Wonton Food Inc.

Deep Fried Wonton Strips with a crispy, crunchy and delicious taste. It can serve as a great snack, or as croutons or crackers for any type of soup or salad toppings.
Location name Address
Wonton Food Houston 10631 Corporate Drive Stafford, TX 77477 USA
Wonton Food Inc. 220 Moore St Brooklyn, NY 11206 USA
Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee 1045 Firestone Parkway La Vergne, TN 37086 USA
Wonton Foods - Nashville 1045 Firestone Pkwy La Vergne, TN 37086 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire Wonton Food Inc. --
Product Recall Letter/Policies Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee 2.6 Recall and Traceability.pdf 12/28/2023 12/27/2024
CoA Sample Wonton Food Inc. 7-6-22 PO 10006050.docx 7/26/2024 7/26/2026
New Vendor ACH Form Wonton Food Inc. ACH Debit Payment Details - Wonton Food (TN) Inc..pdf 11/1/2023 10/30/2028
Supplier Approval Program Statement Wonton Food Inc. Approved Supplier Program.pdf 5/20/2024 5/20/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Wonton Food Houston Approved Supplier Program.pdf 11/13/2023 11/12/2024
3rd Party Audit Report Wonton Foods - Nashville AR2022_Wonton Food Tennessee Inc_1706093.pdf 5/11/2022 6/25/2023
GFSI Audit Report Wonton Food Houston AR2023_Wonton Food Corp._2023-140502.pdf 11/28/2023 1/30/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Wonton Food Houston AR2024 - TN Audit Report - Expire - 6-25-25.pdf 6/26/2024 6/12/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Wonton Food Inc. AR2024_Wonton Food Inc-Cookie Facility_2023-144242.pdf 2/2/2024 3/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee AR2024_Wonton_Food_(Tennessee)_Inc_2023-139087.pdf 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
GFSI Audit Report Wonton Foods - Nashville AR2024_Wonton_Food_(Tennessee)_Inc_2023-139087.pdf 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Wonton Food Inc. AR2024_Wonton_Food_Inc_2023-139417.pdf 7/26/2024 8/4/2025
GFSI Audit Report Wonton Food Inc. AR2024_Wonton_Food_Inc_2023-139417.pdf 7/26/2024 8/4/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Wonton Food Inc. AR2024_Wonton_Food_Inc_2023-139417.pdf 7/26/2024 8/4/2025
Ben E. Keith Vendor Verification Questionnaire Wonton Food Inc. BEK Vendor Verification Questionnaire 7.1.2022.docx 7/1/2022 12/30/2023
Insurance Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Blue-Apron,-LLC_Wonton-Food-Inc_23-24-gl-auto-_1-4-2024_220737441_1.pdf 12/31/2023 12/31/2024
California Prop. 65 Wonton Food Inc. California proposition 65 letter 2024.pdf 2/12/2024 2/11/2026
CA Transparency Act Wonton Foods - Nashville California Transparency Act.pdf 8/15/2023 8/15/2024
CA Transparency Act Wonton Food Inc. California transparency in spply chain agreement 2024.pdf 5/15/2024 5/15/2026
GFSI Certificate Wonton Food Houston CERT2023_Wonton Food Corp._2023-140502.pdf 11/27/2023 1/30/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Wonton Food Houston CERT2024 - TN SQF II Certificate - Expires - 6-25-25.pdf 6/26/2024 6/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Wonton Foods - Nashville CERT2024_Wonton_Food_(Tennessee)_Inc_2023-139087.pdf 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee CERT2024_Wonton_Food_(Tennessee)_Inc_2023-139087.pdf 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
GFSI Certificate Wonton Foods - Nashville CERT2024_Wonton_Food_(Tennessee)_Inc_2023-139087.pdf 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
GFSI Certificate Wonton Food Inc. CERT2024_Wonton_Food_Inc_2023-139417.pdf 7/26/2024 8/4/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Wonton Food Inc. CERT2024_Wonton_Food_Inc_2023-139417.pdf 7/26/2024 8/4/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Wonton Foods - Nashville Chow Mein Noodles HACCP - No Maturing.pdf 5/13/2023 5/12/2026
Home Chef Certificate of Insurance (COI) for General Liability and Worker's Compensation Wonton Food Inc. COI - 11-2-23.pdf 11/2/2023 11/1/2024
SGC Confidentiality Agreement Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Confidentiality ND Agreement 5.8.2023.pdf 5/8/2023 5/7/2026
Letter of Guarantee Wonton Food Inc. Continue Guaranty Letter for CJ Foods 2024.pdf 7/26/2024 7/26/2026
Letter of Guarantee Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Continue Guaranty Letter for Lakeside Foods 2022.pdf 9/20/2022 9/19/2024
Letter of Guarantee Wonton Food Houston Continue Guaranty Letter Kari Out 2024.pdf 6/17/2024 6/17/2026
Letter of Guarantee Wonton Foods - Nashville Continue Guaranty Letter Of Guarantee- Superior Nut & Candy - 2023.pdf 3/9/2023 3/8/2025
Organizational Chart Wonton Food Inc. Corporate - 20240501.pdf 5/1/2024 5/1/2025
FDA Registration Wonton Foods - Nashville CUSTOMER COPY- FacilityRegistration-TN 2022.pdf 11/10/2022 12/31/2024
FDA Registration Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee CUSTOMER COPY- FacilityRegistration-TN 2022.pdf 11/10/2022 12/31/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Wonton Foods - Nashville Emergency Recall Contact List.pdf 9/12/2023 9/11/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Emergency Recall Contact List.pdf 7/13/2023 7/12/2024
Environment Monitoring Program Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Environmental Monitoring 5-30-24.pdf 5/30/2024 5/30/2025
Environmental Monitoring Program Wonton Foods - Nashville Environmental Monitoring Program.docx 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct Wonton Food Inc. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION.pdf 5/17/2024 5/17/2026
HACCP/ HARPC PLAN Wonton Food Inc. ERM Food Safety Plan ERM 2022 update.docx 3/31/2022 3/30/2025
HACCP Flow Chart Wonton Food Inc. ERM Food Safety Plan ERM 2022 update.docx 3/31/2022 3/30/2025
HACCP - Hazard Analysis Wonton Food Inc. ERM Food Safety Plan ERM 2022 update.docx 10/31/2022 10/30/2025
Lot Code Wonton Food Inc. Explanation of datecode.pdf 1/17/2024 1/16/2027
FDA Registration Wonton Food Inc. FacilityRegistration-Brooklyn 2022-.pdf 11/29/2022 12/31/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee FDA Bioterrorism Act compliance statement 2022.pdf 8/15/2023 8/14/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Wonton Food Inc. FDA Bioterrorism Act compliance statement 2024.pdf 1/17/2024 1/16/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Wonton Food Houston FDA Bioterrorism Act compliance statement 2024.pdf 1/17/2024 1/16/2026
FDA Registration Wonton Food Houston FDA Registration Statement.pdf 4/2/2024 4/2/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Wonton Food Inc. Food Safety Plan - Fortune cookie.pdf 7/20/2023 7/19/2026
Preventive Control Summary Wonton Foods - Nashville Food Safety Plan Preventive Control Summary.docx 10/13/2022 10/12/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Wonton Food Houston Food Safety Plan-Cookies.pdf 5/8/2023 5/7/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Wonton Food Houston Food Safety Plan-Cookies.pdf 5/8/2023 5/7/2026
Supplier Quality Survey & Document Request Form - Raw Material Wonton Food Inc. FORM2.Supplier Quality Survey - Document Request Form (QP-200-301-R03-04) (12).docx 11/7/2023 11/6/2024
SGC Guaranteed Sale Form Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Guaranteed Sale Agreement 5.8.2023.pdf 5/8/2023 5/7/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Wonton Food Inc. GZ Small package Noodle Food Safety Plan 2024.pdf 5/21/2024 5/20/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Wonton Foods - Nashville HACCP 2022.pdf 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee HACCP Partially-cooked Noodles.pdf 7/20/2022 7/19/2024
Home Chef Continuing Performance Guarantee (CPG) Wonton Food Inc. Home Chef - Continuing Performance Guarantee - Wonton Food 11-2023.pdf 11/3/2023 11/1/2028
Organizational Chart Wonton Food Houston Houston Organization Chart 20231101.pdf 11/1/2023 10/31/2024
Internal Audit Program Wonton Foods - Nashville Internal Audit Program.doc 10/13/2022 10/12/2024
Insurance Wonton Food Inc. Kari-Out-CompanyAtt_Wonton-Food-Inc_23-24-gl-auto-_1-4-2024_392916232_1.pdf 12/31/2023 12/31/2024
Loading/Unloading Program Wonton Foods - Nashville Loading and Unloading Program.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
DEI Certification Wonton Food Inc. Minority CertificationAA - Wonton Food.pdf 10/31/2023 8/14/2297
Home Chef NDA Wonton Food Inc. NDA Home Chef - Signed.pdf 11/1/2023 10/30/2028
3rd-Party Audit Certificate Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 10/12/2022 10/12/2023
3rd-Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 10/12/2022 10/12/2023
3rd-Party Audit Report Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditReport.pdf 10/12/2022 10/12/2023
Miscellaneous Document Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_MiscellaneousDocument.pdf 9/24/2024 9/24/2025
NDA Wonton Food Houston NotApplicable_NDA.pdf 8/15/2024 8/15/2025
NDA Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_NDA.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2025
NGMO Certificate Wonton Foods - Nashville NotApplicable_NGMOCertificate.pdf 7/13/2023 7/12/2024
RSPO Certificate Wonton Foods - Nashville NotApplicable_RSPOCertificate.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2025
Supplier Quality Survey - Document Request Form (QP-200-301-R02-04) Wonton Food Inc. NotApplicable_SupplierQualitySurveyDocumentRequestFormQP200301R0204.pdf 10/12/2022 10/12/2023
Temperature Management Program Wonton Foods - Nashville NotApplicable_TemperatureManagementProgram.pdf 7/19/2022 7/18/2024
Pest Control Program Wonton Foods - Nashville Pest Control Program.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Statement of Preventative Maintenance Program Wonton Food Inc. Preventative Maintenance Programs Statement 2022.pdf 8/31/2022 8/31/2023
Environment Monitoring Program Wonton Food Inc. QA-SQF-1-2.4.8 Environmental Monitoring Program.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Environmental Monitoring Program Wonton Food Inc. QA-SQF-1-2.4.8 Environmental Monitoring Program.pdf 4/21/2023 4/20/2024
Environmental Policy Wonton Food Inc. QA-SQF-1-2.4.8 Environmental Monitoring Program.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Wonton Food Inc. QA-SQF-1-2.7_Food Defense and Food Fraud.pdf 4/26/2023 4/25/2025
Allergen Control Policy Wonton Food Inc. QA-SQF-1-2.8 Allergen Management.pdf 4/26/2023 4/25/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Wonton Food Houston QA-SQF-1-2-7_Food Defense and Food Fraud.pdf 8/24/2023 8/23/2025
Allergen Control Policy Wonton Food Houston QA-SQF-1-2-8_Allergen Management.pdf 11/10/2023 11/9/2025
Control of Foreign Objects Program Wonton Foods - Nashville QA-SQF-N-11-7_Separation of Functions (Control of Foreign Objects).doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee QA-SQF-N-2-3 Approved Supplier Program.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2025
Environmental Monitoring Program Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee QA-SQF-N-2-4 Environmental Monitoring Program.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Wonton Foods - Nashville QA-SQF-N-2-7_Food Defense and Food Fraud.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Allergen Control Policy Wonton Foods - Nashville QA-SQF-N-2-8_Allergen Management.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Allergen Control Policy Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee QA-SQF-N-2-8_Allergen Management.doc2023.pdf 2/10/2023 2/9/2025
Training Program Wonton Foods - Nashville QA-SQF-N-2-9_Training.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Sanitation SSOP of a Food Contact surface Wonton Foods - Nashville QA-SSOP-N-1-014-Fryers Cleaning CIP Procedures.docx 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Quality Assessment Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Quality Assessment v2 5.21.docx 2/13/2024 2/13/2025
Recall Plan Wonton Foods - Nashville Recall Plan 2023.pdf 9/12/2023 9/11/2024
Recall Plan Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Recall Plan.pdf 7/13/2023 7/12/2024
Recall Plan Wonton Food Houston Recall Policy.pdf 12/27/2023 12/26/2024
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Wonton Food Houston Recall Team.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2024
Sanitation Program Wonton Foods - Nashville Sanitation Program.doc 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Wonton Food Inc. Signed GZ Small package Noodle Food Safety Plan.pdf 2/13/2023 2/12/2025
FreshRealm Specification Changes Acknowledgment Wonton Food Inc. Signed_FreshRealm spec change 2024.pdf 9/24/2024 6/21/2027
Contact Information Request Wonton Foods - Nashville SPNC Contact Information Request.docx 5/9/2023 5/8/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Wonton Food Houston SQF08E Ed 9 NCR Report-Wonton Foods 1152023.xlsx 8/27/2024 1/30/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Wonton Food Houston SQF08E Ed 9 NCR Report-Wonton Foods 1152023.xlsx 11/16/2023 1/30/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee SQF08E Ed 9 Non Conformance Report Wonton Foods 2024.xlsx 6/7/2024 6/25/2025
Insurance Wonton Foods - Nashville Superior-Nut-and-Ca_Wonton-Food-(TE_23-24-TN COI.pdf 12/31/2023 12/31/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Wonton Food Inc. Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 11/6/2023 11/5/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 11/2/2023 11/1/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Wonton Foods - Nashville Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 10/12/2022 10/11/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Wonton Food Inc. Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 7/26/2024 7/26/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Wonton Food Houston Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 8/9/2024 8/9/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) Wonton Food Inc. Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 8/31/2022 8/30/2025
Vendor Expectations Manual (VEM) Wonton Food Inc. Vendor Expectations Manual (2024).pdf 8/28/2024 6/12/2298
SGC Vendor Indemnity Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee Vendor Warranty and Indemnity 5.8.2023.pdf 5/8/2023 5/7/2026
W-9 Wonton Food Houston W-9 10631 Corp Drive 01-23-2024.pdf 1/23/2023 1/22/2026
W-9 Wonton Food Inc. W-9 TN - 11-1-23.pdf 11/1/2023 10/31/2026
W-9 Wonton Food Inc. - Tennessee W-9 TN.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2027
W-9 Wonton Foods - Nashville W-9 TN.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2027
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Wonton Food Inc. Wonton Food Inc. Emergency contact list -TM.pdf 5/20/2024 5/20/2025
Recall Plan Wonton Food Inc. Wonton Food Recall plan and procedures - Plainview 2024.pdf 5/20/2024 5/20/2025
Certificate of Insurance Wonton Food Inc. Wonton TN Springfield COI.pdf 5/9/2023 5/8/2024