Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Po. Ind. Pla de Llerona Carrer Bèlgica 5 Les Franqueses del Vallès, Catalonia 08520 ESP
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Insurance CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Certificado RC Cygyc Biocon 8739-85038947.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2026
3rd Party Audit Report CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) FSSC 22000 Audit report tancat.pdf 4/26/2024 4/26/2025
GFSI Certificate CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) FSSC 22000 V5.1 EN 2023.pdf 5/29/2023 5/19/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) FSSC 22000 V5.1 EN.pdf 5/1/2022 5/1/2025
ISO 14001 Certificate CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) ISO 14001.pdf 3/2/2023 3/1/2026
ISO 14001/50001 CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) ISO 14001_eng.pdf 3/31/2023 3/30/2026
ISO 9001 CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) ISO 9001_eng.pdf 3/31/2023 3/31/2026
ISO 9001 Certificate CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) ISO 9001_esp.pdf 3/2/2023 3/1/2026
Distributor Recall Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) IT-02-05-01 rev.1 Protocol de crisi.pdf 4/24/2023 4/23/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) IT-02-05-01 rev.6 Protocol de crisi.pdf 11/21/2023 11/20/2024
Recall Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) IT-02-05-01 rev.6 Protocol de crisi.pdf 11/21/2023 11/20/2024
Bioterrorism Letter CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_BioterrorismLetter.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2024
Business Continuity Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_BusinessContinuityPlan.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2024
CA Transparency Act CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_CATransparencyAct.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Code of Conduct CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_CodeofConduct.pdf 5/22/2023 5/21/2026
CTPAT CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2024
ISO 45001 Certificate CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) NotApplicable_ISO45001Certificate.pdf 10/9/2024 10/9/2025
Oatly Sustainability Requirements CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Oatly Sustainability Requirements.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2024
Oatly Code of Conduct CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Oatly_Supplier_Code_of_conduct_April2019.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Oatly_Supplier_Code_of_conduct_April2019.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) pla de control de proveïdors sala blanca rev. 4.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2024
Site Map CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Plànols.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
Environmental Policy CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Política_eng.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-001 - Pla de Food Defense.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Food Fraud Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-002 Pla de control del frau alimentari.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
Distributor Pest Control Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-004 Pla de control de plagues.doc 9/8/2023 9/7/2026
Distributor Allergen Control Policy CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-008 Pla de mesures preventives de contaminació creuada.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Allergen Control Policy CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-008 Pla de mesures preventives de contaminació creuada.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Environmental Sampling Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) PPR-013 Pla de Control ambiental.docx 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
California Prop. 65 CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Prop 65 Statement.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Letter of Guarantee CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Quality guarantee Biobeta P 100.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2025
Oatly Quality Requirements CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Raw Material Item Approval Checklist EMEA APAC.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
Oatly SAQ Questionnaire CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Raw Material Item Approval Checklist EMEA APAC.pdf 5/18/2023 5/17/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Resposta Summary of Audit Findings.CYGYC BIOCON.2024_.pdf 3/13/2024 5/19/2025
GFSI Audit Report CYGYC BIOCON, S. L. (corporate) Resposta Summary of Audit Findings.CYGYC BIOCON.2024_.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2026