Guerra Nut Shelling

Location name Address
Guerra Nut Shelling 190 Hillcrest Road Hollister, CA 95023 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Guerra Nut Shelling 2023 HACCP Audit Non-Conformities Response.pdf 3/4/2023 2/28/2024
ZBI - Halal (supplier format, certificate) Guerra Nut Shelling 2024 Kosher and Halal Statement.pdf 5/9/2024 5/9/2025
ZBI-BPA statement (Supplier Format) Guerra Nut Shelling 2024 PFAS and BPA Statement.pdf 6/3/2024 6/1/2026
ZBI-PFAS Statement (Supplier Format) Guerra Nut Shelling 2024 PFAS and BPA Statement.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2026
Letter of Guarantee Guerra Nut Shelling 2024 Ziyad Brothers Importing Letter of Guarantee.pdf 12/24/2024 12/24/2026
ZBI - Kosher (supplier certificate format) Guerra Nut Shelling 2024-2025 Kosher Cert - All Brands.pdf 8/1/2024 8/1/2025
Allergen Control Policy Guerra Nut Shelling Allergen Statement - 2024.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
CA Transparency Act Guerra Nut Shelling CA Transparency Act.pdf 8/16/2019 8/15/2021
ZBI - California Prop 65 (supplier format) Guerra Nut Shelling CW Prop 65 Statement.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
ZBI- Environmental Monitoring and Testing Procedure (refer to "i" for info) Guerra Nut Shelling Enviornmental Monitoring SOP v5.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
Environmental Policy Guerra Nut Shelling Environmental Policy V2.pdf 8/16/2019 8/15/2020
Bioterrorism Letter Guerra Nut Shelling FDA Registration 18-20.pdf 8/16/2019 8/15/2020
FDA Registration Guerra Nut Shelling FDA Registration 2023 - 2024.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
ZBI - Sanitation Preventive Controls Guerra Nut Shelling Food Contact Surface SOP v2.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Guerra Nut Shelling Food Defense SOP v3.pdf 1/11/2022 1/11/2024
Food Fraud Guerra Nut Shelling Food Defense SOP v4.pdf 1/3/2023 1/2/2025
ZBI- Gluten Statement Guerra Nut Shelling Gluten Free Statement - 2024.pdf 1/3/2024 1/3/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Guerra Nut Shelling Guerra Nut HACCP Audit Checklist 01.23.24.pdf 2/2/2024 2/23/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Guerra Nut Shelling Guerra Nut HACCP Certificate of Conformance 2024.pdf 2/2/2024 2/23/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Guerra Nut Shelling HACCP v6.pdf 6/15/2021 6/14/2024
ZBI-FSMA Food Traceability Rule Statement (Supplier format) Guerra Nut Shelling Lot Tracking v5.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
ZBI- Irradiation Status Statement Guerra Nut Shelling Non-Irradiation and Sewer Sludge Usage - 2024.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
GFSI Audit Report Guerra Nut Shelling NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 9/7/2023 9/7/2024
GFSI Certificate Guerra Nut Shelling NotApplicable_GFSICertificate.pdf 4/11/2022 --
ZBI-FSVP Responsibility Agreement Guerra Nut Shelling NotApplicable_ZBIFSVPResponsibilityAgreement.pdf 12/24/2024 12/24/2026
ZBI - Organic (Supplier certificate) Guerra Nut Shelling NotApplicable_ZBIOrganicSuppliercertificate.pdf 12/24/2024 12/24/2025
Organizational Chart Guerra Nut Shelling Organization Chart v4.pdf 8/1/2022 12/31/2023
ZBI - Pest Control Program and Policies Guerra Nut Shelling Pest control SOP v2.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
Recall Plan Guerra Nut Shelling Recall Plan v3.pdf 8/29/2022 8/29/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Guerra Nut Shelling Recall Team Info - v2.pdf 9/14/2022 9/14/2023
Recall/Emergency Contact List Guerra Nut Shelling Recall Team Info - v2.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
ZBI - Lab Inspection and Proficiency Testing Guerra Nut Shelling Sample COA - 2022.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Guerra Nut Shelling Shelled Case Walnuts Hazard Analysis v11.pdf 3/10/2023 3/9/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Guerra Nut Shelling Supplier Approval Program v3.pdf 3/22/2022 3/22/2023
Supplier Questionnaire Guerra Nut Shelling Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 8/14/2024 8/14/2026
Insurance Guerra Nut Shelling Torn-&-Glasser_Guerra-Nut-Shel_24-25-GL-AL-UMB_9-5-2024_2121979840_1.pdf 9/1/2024 8/31/2025
ZBI - Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Guerra Nut Shelling Vegan-Vegetarian Statement - 2024.pdf 1/3/2024 1/2/2026
W-9 Guerra Nut Shelling W9 2022.pdf 1/3/2022 1/2/2025