
BOORTMALT is the world leader malting company with 3 million tonnes production capacity. The group is present on 5 continents with 27 malting plants. Boortmalt’s expertise is widely acknowledged by brewers and distillers who rely on the supply of top quality barley malt.
Location name Address
Antwerp Zandvoort 2 Haven 350 Antwerpen, VAN 2030 BEL
Boortmalt - Perth - Wheat 770 Abernethy Road Western Australia, WA 6058 AUS
Boortmalt HQ Zandvoort 2, Haven 350/Bus 1 Antwerpen, VAN 2030 BEL
Herent Zijpstraat 155 Herent, Vlaams Brabant 3020 BEL
Salzgitter Rüdekenstraße 51, Salzgitter Salzgitter, Saxony 38239 DEU
Swalmen Breden Ars 5 Swalmen, Roermond 6071 LC NLD
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Biggar (Prairie) 2023.RA.Pest.Myco.HeavyM.NDMA.xlsx 12/18/2023 12/18/2024
Annual Allergen Statement Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v2.1-01022023.pdf 6/26/2023 6/25/2024
Business License Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v2.1-01022023.pdf 6/26/2023 6/26/2024
GMO Free Declaration Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v2.1-01022023.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v2.1-01022023.pdf 7/5/2023 7/4/2025
License to Operate test Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v2.1-01022023.pdf 7/4/2023 7/3/2024
Allergen Statement Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses 3.BMS-ISS Site Tech Data Pack_v3.1-15042024.pdf 6/18/2024 6/18/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg 3.BMS-STR Site Tech Data Pack_V3 20230112 (3).pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2025
Annual Allergen Statement Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg 3.BMS-STR Site Tech Data Pack_V3 20230112 (3).pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Business License Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg 3.BMS-STR Site Tech Data Pack_V3 20230112 (3).pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
License to Operate test Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg 3.BMS-STR Site Tech Data Pack_V3 20230112 (3).pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Allergen Statement Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg 3.BMS-STR Site Tech Data Pack_V4 20240311.pdf 7/17/2024 5/17/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Biggar (Prairie) AC99055.pdf 12/31/2024 12/31/2025
Allergen Statement Antwerp Allergen Assessment Antwerp 20240508.pdf 5/8/2024 5/9/2025
Allergen Statement Herent Allergen Assessment Herent 20240508.pdf 5/8/2024 5/9/2025
Annual Allergen Statement Herent Allergen Assessment Herent 20240508.xlsx 5/8/2024 5/8/2025
Allergen Statement Salzgitter Allergen Assessment Salzgitter.png 5/12/2023 5/12/2025
Allergen Statement Swalmen Allergen Assessment Swalmen.pdf 5/10/2023 5/10/2025
Annual Mycotoxin Compliance Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses analyse récolte 2022 ISS-ABI-26062023.doc 6/26/2023 6/25/2024
Annual Pesticide Compliance Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses analyse récolte 2022 ISS-ABI-26062023.doc 6/26/2023 6/25/2024
Annual Heavy Metal Compliance Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses analyse récolte 2022 ISS-ABI-26062023.doc 6/26/2023 6/25/2024
Annual Heavy Metal Compliance Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg analyse récolte 2022 STR-ABI-26062023.doc 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Annual Mycotoxin Compliance Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg analyse récolte 2022 STR-ABI-26062023.doc 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Annual Pesticide Compliance Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg analyse récolte 2022 STR-ABI-26062023.doc 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Heavy Metal Compliance Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses analyse récolte 2023 ISS-ABI-18062024.doc 6/18/2024 6/18/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg analyse récolte 2023 STR-17072024.pdf 7/17/2024 8/1/2025
Annual Mycotoxin Compliance Swalmen Annual mycotoxin compliance.pdf 7/1/2022 6/30/2024
Pesticide Compliance Swalmen Annual pesticide compliance Swalmen.pdf 7/1/2022 6/30/2024
Annual Allergen Statement Antwerp Antwerp Allergen Assessment 2023.xlsx 5/10/2023 5/9/2024
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Pesticides, Mycotoxins, and Nitrosamines) Antwerp Antwerp compliance23.pdf 7/1/2023 7/1/2024
Allergen Statement - SAZ Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca BBL - Xerox Scan_24052024130255.pdf 5/24/2024 10/24/2025
Environmental Policy Herent Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy 2024_EN.pdf 8/1/2024 8/1/2025
Environmental Policy Salzgitter Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy 2024_EN.pdf 8/1/2024 8/1/2025
Environmental Policy Swalmen Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy 2024_EN.pdf 8/1/2024 8/1/2025
Environmental Policy Antwerp Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy_EN.pdf 6/1/2023 5/31/2024
Environmental Policy Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy_FR.pdf 7/5/2023 7/4/2024
Environmental Policy Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg Boortmalt Integrated Systems Policy_FR.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Bury St Edmunds - Barley BS156505 1002 Explorer 9.7.24.pdf 7/9/2024 7/10/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Bury St Edmunds - Pauls Malt Ltd BSE BS154715 3429 Crafft 23_01_24.pdf 1/23/2024 1/25/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Bury St Edmunds - Pauls Malt Ltd BSE BS154715 3429 Crafft 23_01_24.pdf 1/23/2024 1/23/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Boortmalt - Bury St Edmunds - Barley BSE BS156987 1109 Craft 28.8.24.pdf 8/28/2024 8/29/2025
Kosher Certification Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd certificat kosher 2022-2023.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
Kosher Certification Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses certificat kosher 2023-2024.pdf 7/26/2023 7/26/2024
Ethical Code of Conduct Salzgitter Code of Ethics.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Swalmen Code of Ethics.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Antwerp Code of Ethics.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Herent Code of Ethics.pdf 3/1/2023 2/28/2025
Anheuser-Busch Site Self Assessment Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd COMP ABI Supplier Questionnaire - Raw Materials v 2 31_10_23.doc 11/14/2023 11/14/2025
Certificate of Pest Control Herent Contractverklaring_32114.pdf 9/21/2023 9/21/2024
Allergen Statement Boortmalt - Buenos Aires Formulário de Declaração de alergenico Ambev Rev6 - Punta Alvear.xlsx 10/26/2023 3/16/2024
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Antwerp FS Compliance ANT FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Salzgitter FS Compliance SLZ FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Swalmen FS Compliance SWA FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Swalmen FS Compliance SWA FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
Annual Mycotoxin Compliance Herent FS mycotoxin and heavy metal compliance.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2025
Food Safety Management System Boortmalt - Buenos Aires FSSC 5.1 Alvear Exp 170326 - AUDITORIA 1-11-2022.pdf 12/30/2022 3/17/2026
GFSI Certificate Antwerp FSSC 5.1 Antwerp Exp 130826.pdf 8/16/2023 8/13/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Antwerp FSSC 5.1 Antwerp Exp 130826.pdf 8/13/2023 8/13/2026
Food Safety Management System Antwerp FSSC 5.1 Antwerp Exp 130826.pdf 8/13/2023 8/13/2026
Food Safety Management System Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca FSSC 5.1 Bahia Blanca Exp 170326.pdf 1/13/2023 3/17/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Bury St Edmunds - Pauls Malt Ltd FSSC 5.1 Bury St Edmunds Exp 221225.pdf 12/22/2022 12/22/2025
FSSC 22000 Herent FSSC 5.1 Herent Exp 220526.pdf 2/28/2023 2/27/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Herent FSSC 5.1 Herent Exp 220526.pdf 2/23/2023 5/22/2026
Food Safety Management System Herent FSSC 5.1 Herent Exp 220526.pdf 5/22/2023 5/22/2026
Quality Management System Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd FSSC 5.1 Knapton Exp 111226.pdf 11/11/2023 12/11/2026
FSSC 22000 Salzgitter FSSC 5.1 Salzgitter Exp 130126.pdf 1/24/2023 1/13/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Salzgitter FSSC 5.1 Salzgitter Exp 130126.pdf 1/23/2023 1/23/2026
Food Safety Management System Salzgitter FSSC 5.1 Salzgitter Exp 130126.pdf 1/13/2023 1/13/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Boortmalt - Buenos Aires FSSC 5.1 SGS Alvear Exp 170326.pdf 3/14/2024 12/3/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca FSSC 5.1 SGS Bahia Blanca Exp 170326.pdf 3/14/2024 12/3/2026
FSSC 22000 Swalmen FSSC 5.1 Swalmen Exp 080426 (1).pdf 2/28/2023 2/27/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Swalmen FSSC 5.1 Swalmen Exp 080426 (1).pdf 2/23/2023 4/8/2026
Food Safety Management System Swalmen FSSC 5.1 Swalmen Exp 080426 (1).pdf 4/8/2023 4/8/2026
Food Safety Management System Boortmalt - Bury St Edmunds - Barley FSSC SGS 24-25.JPG 5/10/2024 12/22/2025
Food Safety Management System Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses FSSC V6 Issoudun Exp 250726.pdf 9/26/2024 7/26/2026
Food Safety Management System Boortmalt - Adelaide FSSC V6 Port Adelaide Exp 271027 (2).pdf 11/15/2024 10/27/2027
Food Safety Management System Boortmalt - Sydney FSSC V6 Sydney Exp 051127 (4).pdf 11/15/2024 11/5/2027
ISO 22000 Certification Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses FSSC22000- 739371 Boortmalt - Issoudun-validité 25072026.pdf 7/26/2023 7/25/2026
GMO Free Declaration Swalmen GMO Statement.pdf 9/1/2023 9/1/2025
GMO Free Declaration Salzgitter GMO Statement.pdf 9/1/2023 9/1/2025
GMO Free Declaration Antwerp GMO Statement.pdf 9/1/2023 9/1/2025
GMO Free Declaration Herent GMO Statement.pdf 9/1/2023 9/1/2025
GMP CERTIFICATION Antwerp GMP+ Head Office Trade Exp 231123.pdf 11/23/2020 11/23/2023
Declaration of Conformity Antwerp Group Product Release Traceability and Nonconforming Product Procedure v3 (1).pdf 10/17/2022 12/31/2023
Declaration of Conformity Herent Group Product Release Traceability and Nonconforming Product Procedure v3 (1).pdf 10/17/2022 12/31/2024
Declaration of Conformity Swalmen Group Product Release Traceability and Nonconforming Product Procedure v3 (1).pdf 10/17/2022 12/31/2024
Heavy Metal Compliance Antwerp Heavy metal compliance ANT FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Herent Heavy metal compliance HRT FY24_.pdf 8/1/2024 7/1/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Salzgitter Heavy metal compliance SLZ FY24.pdf 8/2/2024 7/1/2025
License to Operate test Herent Herent FAVV.pdf 11/26/2019 11/26/2029
3rd Party Audit Report Antwerp ISO 22000 Antwerp Exp 010825.pdf 8/1/2019 8/1/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd KNA KN083867 0062 Laureate 30_01_24.pdf 1/30/2024 1/30/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd KNA KN083867 0062 Laureate 30_01_24.pdf 1/30/2024 1/30/2025
Kosher Certification Antwerp Kosher Antwerp Exp 311024.pdf 10/31/2023 10/31/2024
Kosher Certification Herent Kosher Herent Villaverde Swalmen Strasbourt Exp 311025.pdf 10/22/2024 10/31/2025
Kosher Certification Swalmen Kosher Herent Villaverde Swalmen Strasbourt Exp 311025.pdf 10/22/2024 10/31/2025
Kosher Certification Salzgitter Kosher Salzgitter Exp 300625 (1).pdf 6/30/2024 6/30/2025
Kosher Certification Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg Kosher Strasbourg Exp 311023.pdf 7/6/2023 10/31/2023
Annual Food Safety COA Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses MFS Certificate ISO 22K 2018 RECERTIFICATION-validité 062025.pdf 6/15/2023 6/14/2024
GFSI (or similar 3rd Party) Food Safety Certification Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses MFS Certificate ISO 22K 2018 RECERTIFICATION-validité 062025.pdf 6/26/2023 6/25/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Salzgitter NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 7/6/2023 8/10/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
Allergen Statement Gembloux NotApplicable_AllergenStatement.pdf 11/9/2023 3/9/2025
Declaration of Conformity Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses NotApplicable_DeclarationofConformity.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
Food Safety Management System Gembloux NotApplicable_FoodSafetyManagementSystem.pdf 9/28/2023 3/9/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Gembloux NotApplicable_FoodSafetyRiskAssessmentContaminationPesticidesMycotoxinsNitrosaminesetc.pdf 10/4/2023 3/9/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca NotApplicable_FoodSafetyRiskAssessmentContaminationPesticidesMycotoxinsNitrosaminesetc.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Boortmalt - Buenos Aires NotApplicable_FoodSafetyRiskAssessmentContaminationPesticidesMycotoxinsNitrosaminesetc.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Pesticides, Mycotoxins, and Nitrosamines) Gembloux NotApplicable_FoodSafetyRiskAssessmentPesticidesMycotoxinsandNitrosamines.pdf 9/28/2023 3/9/2025
GFSI Audit Report Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 7/5/2023 7/5/2024
GFSI Audit Report Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
GFSI (or similar 3rd Party) Food Safety Certification Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg NotApplicable_GFSIorsimilar3rdPartyFoodSafetyCertification.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2024
GMO Free Declaration Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg NotApplicable_GMOFreeDeclaration.pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Antwerp NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 9/21/2023 9/20/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Herent NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 9/21/2023 9/20/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Swalmen NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 9/21/2023 9/20/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Salzgitter NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 9/21/2023 9/20/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Gembloux NotApplicable_HeavyMetalCompliance.pdf 9/28/2023 3/9/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca NotApplicable_HeavyMetalCompliance.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Buenos Aires NotApplicable_HeavyMetalCompliance.pdf 5/28/2024 5/28/2025
Certificate of Pest Control Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg Notification of new myRentokil visit at STANDART STRASBOURG.PDF 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
Pesticide Compliance Herent Pesticide compliance HRT FY25.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses politique ethique extraite du manuel ethique groupe-2023.docx 7/5/2023 7/4/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Malt Boortmalt Strasbourg politique ethique extraite du manuel ethique groupe-2023.docx 7/6/2023 7/5/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Boortmalt - Adelaide Port Adelaide Malted Barley - Pesticides 2024 (1).pdf 11/15/2024 11/15/2025
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Adelaide Port Adelaide Malted Barley Heavy metals 2024.pdf 11/19/2024 11/19/2025
Allergen Statement Boortmalt - Adelaide PSDS-3 Pale Malt V2 (5).pdf 11/15/2024 11/15/2026
Allergen Statement Boortmalt - Sydney PSDS-3 Pale Malt V2 (5).pdf 11/15/2024 11/15/2026
Certificate of Pest Control Issoudun - Malteries Franco-Suisses Rapport pest control-120623.pdf 7/6/2023 7/6/2024
Registration of the Establishment in MAPA/VIGILÂNCIA SANITÁRIA (Brazilian Ministry) Boortmalt - Buenos Aires RNE Alvear.pdf 5/28/2021 5/28/2026
Registration of the Establishment in MAPA/VIGILÂNCIA SANITÁRIA (Brazilian Ministry) Boortmalt - Bahia Blanca RNE Bahía Blanca.pdf 10/9/2020 10/9/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Pesticides, Mycotoxins, and Nitrosamines) Salzgitter Salzgitter compliance 23.pdf 7/1/2023 7/1/2024
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Sydney Sydney Malt Heavy Metals 2024 (1).pdf 11/19/2024 11/19/2025
Food Safety Risk Assessment (Contamination, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Nitrosamines, etc.) Boortmalt - Sydney Sydney Malted Barley Pesticides 2024.pdf 11/19/2024 11/19/2025
Allergen Statement Bury St Edmunds - Pauls Malt Ltd UK-FMS-018 Allergen Statement.pdf 7/15/2024 7/14/2027
Allergen Statement Knapton - Pauls Malt Ltd UK-FMS-018 Allergen Statement.pdf 7/15/2024 7/14/2027
Allergen Statement Boortmalt - Bury St Edmunds - Barley UK-FMS-018 Allergen Statement.pdf 7/15/2024 7/15/2027
Heavy Metal Compliance Boortmalt - Perth - Wheat Wheat Heavy Metals 2024.pdf 8/2/2024 8/2/2025
Allergen Statement - SAZ Boortmalt - Buenos Aires Xerox Scan_24052024125949.pdf 5/24/2024 2/10/2025