Bowman Andros Products, LLC

A supplier of applesauce and apple based products, baby food Andros Ingredients U.S.A on the same campus is a supplier of fruit fillings and non-fruit fillings for industry or bakeries, etc.
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
Bowman Andros Products, LLC 10119 Old Valley Pike Mount Jackson, VA 22842 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Expectations Manual Agreement Bowman Andros Products, LLC 2.4.4 QMR 003 Supplier Expectations Manual (1).docx 11/9/2022 11/9/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Bowman Andros Products, LLC AF PRO 23.003 Crisis Management Program - Appendix 3.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Bowman Andros Products, LLC AF PRQ 24.000 Supplier Control-Purchasing.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Bowman Andros Products, LLC AI PRO 21.005 Food Defense Plan.docx 11/9/2022 11/9/2025
Recall Plan Bowman Andros Products, LLC AI PRO 21.011 Mock Recalls.pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2024
Allergen Control Policy Bowman Andros Products, LLC AI PRQ 21.003 Allergen Identification & Control.doc 12/1/2023 11/30/2025
Letter of Guarantee Bowman Andros Products, LLC Andros Ingredients Letter of Guarantee.docx 3/30/2023 3/29/2025
FDA Registration Bowman Andros Products, LLC Bioterrorism.docx 11/9/2022 11/9/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Bowman Andros Products, LLC Bioterrorism.docx 11/9/2023 11/8/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Bowman Andros Products, LLC BRC Certificate.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Bowman Andros Products, LLC BRCGS Report - 2024- Bowman Andros Products, LLC (DBA Andros Foods North America).pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
CA Transparency Act Bowman Andros Products, LLC CA Transparency Act.pdf 8/17/2023 8/16/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Bowman Andros Products, LLC Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2025
Contact Information Bowman Andros Products, LLC Contact Info.docx 8/17/2023 8/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Bowman Andros Products, LLC Corrective Action Report.pdf 4/24/2024 4/24/2025
Insurance Bowman Andros Products, LLC CRT .pdf 1/3/2024 1/10/2025
Food Product Assessment Bowman Andros Products, LLC Food Product Assessment for TG 08202019.docx 7/19/2022 7/18/2024
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Bowman Andros Products, LLC Food Safety Plan AI (version 1).xlsm 11/9/2022 11/9/2025
GFSI Certificate Bowman Andros Products, LLC FSSC-Food-C540598-1-en-US-20230626-20230626061559.pdf 6/23/2023 7/23/2025
Food Safety Plan (HACCP/HARPC - Product Specific) Bowman Andros Products, LLC HazAna - Pouches.pdf 7/19/2022 7/19/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Bowman Andros Products, LLC PRJN-376769 Andros Ingredients (FSSC, RvA)(Mount Jackson,VA) - FSSC Report .pdf 7/19/2023 7/19/2025
GFSI Audit Report Bowman Andros Products, LLC PRJN-376769 Andros Ingredients (FSSC, RvA)(Mount Jackson,VA) - FSSC Report .pdf 7/19/2023 7/19/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Bowman Andros Products, LLC Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Bowman Andros Products, LLC Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2025
Sustainability (Level 1) Bowman Andros Products, LLC Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 8/4/2023 8/3/2026