Location name | Address |
Great West Produce Company | 2600 S. Eastern Ave. Commerce, CA 90040 USA |
Great West Produce Company - Agricola SL SPR De RL(Pea King Produce) | Napo No. 172 Int. a Col. Villa Campestre Guasave, SIN 81048 MEX |
GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | 2600 S. Eastern Ave Commerce, CA 90040 USA |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Supplier Questionnaire | Great West Produce Company | -- | ||
Supplier Approval Program Statement | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | 1.06.01a Supplier and Service Providers Approval Program - 3.0.doc | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2024 |
Recall/Emergency/Contact List | Great West Produce Company | 1.08.04 - Emergency Contacts - rev 1.0.pdf | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2026 |
Recall/Emergency/Contact List | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | 1.08.04 - Emergency Contacts - rev 1.0.pdf | 8/28/2024 | 8/28/2025 |
FDA Registration | Great West Produce Company | 2-Registration Information.pdf | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2026 |
Allergen Control Policy | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Allergen Letterhead.docm | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2025 |
Allergen Control Policy | Great West Produce Company | Allergen Letterhead.docm | 4/14/2023 | 12/31/2025 |
FDA Registration | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | GWP FDA Reg 2022.pdf | 10/31/2022 | 12/31/2023 |
HACCP Plan (Facility) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | HACCP Plan.doc | 1/1/2021 | 1/1/2023 |
Home Chef Continuing Performance Guarantee (CPG) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Home Chef - Form Continuing Performance Guarantee (2022).pdf | 9/14/2023 | 9/13/2025 |
Letter of Guarantee | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Letter of Guarantee.pdf | 10/5/2023 | 10/4/2025 |
Lot Code | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Lot Number.pdf | 10/31/2023 | 10/30/2026 |
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Non Conformance_Report.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
3rd Party Audit Certificate | Great West Produce Company - Agricola SL SPR De RL(Pea King Produce) | NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf | 7/5/2024 | 7/5/2025 |
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan | Great West Produce Company - Agricola SL SPR De RL(Pea King Produce) | NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf | 7/5/2024 | 7/5/2025 |
CA Transparency Act | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_CATransparencyAct.pdf | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2025 |
DEI Questionnaire | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_DEIQuestionnaire.pdf | 9/14/2023 | 6/28/2297 |
Environmental Policy | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_EnvironmentalPolicy.pdf | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2024 |
Environment Monitoring Program | Great West Produce Company | NotApplicable_EnvironmentMonitoringProgram.pdf | 7/25/2024 | 7/25/2025 |
Ethical Code of Conduct | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_EthicalCodeofConduct.pdf | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2025 |
Food Defense Plan Statement | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_FoodDefensePlanStatement.pdf | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2025 |
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_HARPCFoodSafetyPlanFacility.pdf | 6/23/2021 | 6/22/2024 |
Supplier Questionnaire | Great West Produce Company - Agricola SL SPR De RL(Pea King Produce) | NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaire.pdf | 8/28/2024 | 8/28/2026 |
Sustainability (Level 2) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel2.pdf | 7/15/2021 | 7/14/2024 |
CTPAT | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Nutrition Corp L of G.pdf | 6/23/2021 | 6/23/2022 |
Bioterrorism Letter | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Nutrition Corp L of G.pdf | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2024 |
Insurance | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Nutrition Corp. Inc., 333 N. Euclid Way, Anaheim, CA, 92801.pdf | 6/1/2023 | 6/1/2024 |
3rd Party Audit Report | Great West Produce Company - Agricola SL SPR De RL(Pea King Produce) | PeaKing-Contreras PGFS_FA 2.5.25.pdf | 2/6/2024 | 2/5/2025 |
3rd Party Audit Report | Great West Produce Company | PGFS_AuditReport340519_7320_1_EN.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
GFSI Audit Report | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | PGFS_AuditReport340519_7320_1_EN.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
3rd Party Audit Report | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | PGFS_AuditReport340519_7320_1_EN.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
GFSI Certificate | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | PGFS_Certificate_WQS-PGFS-4680_280039_0_EN.pdf | 10/25/2022 | 10/24/2023 |
3rd Party Audit Certificate | Great West Produce Company | PGFS_Certificate_WQS-PGFS-4680_340519_0_EN.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
3rd Party Audit Certificate | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | PGFS_Certificate_WQS-PGFS-4680_340519_0_EN.pdf | 11/19/2024 | 11/18/2025 |
Recall Plan | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Recall Plan.doc | 4/14/2023 | 4/13/2024 |
Recall Plan | Great West Produce Company | Recall Plan.doc | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2026 |
Home Chef Certificate of Insurance (COI) for General Liability and Worker's Compensation | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | RelishLabs-Home Chef.pdf | 6/1/2024 | 6/1/2025 |
Vendor Expectations Manual (VEM) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Signed-Vendor Expectations Manual (2024).docx.pdf | 8/28/2024 | 6/12/2298 |
Supplier Questionnaire | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Supplier Questionnaire.pdf | 10/16/2023 | 10/15/2025 |
Sustainability (Level 1) | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Sustainability (Level 1).pdf | 4/18/2023 | 4/17/2026 |
W-9 | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | w9.pdf | 9/14/2023 | 9/13/2026 |
GFSI Corrective Action | GREAT WEST PRODUCE INC. | Warehouse Records.docx | 1/1/2025 | 12/31/2025 |