
TVP® 161 Series (uncolored, unfortified) KP Chunks 11N (161113)

TVP® textured vegetable protein is a textured product with a fibrous structure that approaches the texture of meat. This product has a multitude of applications such as beef patties, pizza toppings, frozen foods, and packaged soups. TVP is available in a variety of shapes and colors.
Unflavored, Uncolored, Non-Fortified: Soy Flour
Food Ingredient
Location name Address
ADM / Kansas Protein Foods 2701 East 11th Ave Hutchinson, KS 67501
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample ADM / Kansas Protein Foods EXAMPLE LABEL 161113 Chunks 11 N.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2025