
VITEX AAC 53 N KD LIQ ACID BLK (110014481)

- Lactic Acid - Water - Citric Acid - Natural Flavor
Stabilizer / Thickener / Binder / Texturizers
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Atlanta, GA 3582 McCall Place NE Atlanta, GA 30340
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Atlanta, GA Allergens.pdf 7/25/2023 7/24/2025
BSE - TSE Atlanta, GA BSE-TSE Statement Vitex AAC series_082019.pdf 8/1/2019 7/31/2022
Halal Atlanta, GA CERT_Halal_Functional Systems_Atlanta, GA (US)_2024-Sep-17.pdf 9/17/2024 6/30/2026
Kosher Atlanta, GA CERT_Kosher_Functional Systems_Hydrocolloids_Atlanta, GA (US)_2024-Jun-21.pdf 6/24/2024 6/24/2026
CoA Sample Atlanta, GA CoA example 110014481 VITEX AAC 53 N KD LIQ ACID BLK_2023-Sep.pdf 9/26/2023 9/25/2025
Country of Origin Atlanta, GA Country of Origin.pdf 5/23/2022 5/22/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Atlanta, GA HACCP_Functional Systems_Liquid Blending_Atlanta, GA ( US)_2023-Sep.pdf 9/30/2023 9/29/2025
Item Questionnaire Atlanta, GA Item Questionnaire.pdf 2/7/2025 2/7/2028
Label Sample Atlanta, GA Label example 110014481 Vitex AAC 53 N BULK_2024-Oct.pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2025
Natural Atlanta, GA NotApplicable_Natural.pdf 11/29/2023 11/28/2024
No Animal Ingredient Statement Atlanta, GA NotApplicable_NoAnimalIngredientStatement.pdf 11/6/2019 11/5/2020
Organic Atlanta, GA NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 4/26/2024 4/26/2026
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Atlanta, GA NotApplicable_VeganVegetarianStatement.pdf 10/13/2020 10/13/2022
Nutrition Atlanta, GA Nutrition.pdf 11/28/2022 11/27/2025
GMO Atlanta, GA PACK_Vitex AAC 53 N_NA_2018-Sep-17.pdf 5/2/2019 5/1/2021
Shelf Life Atlanta, GA PACK_Vitex AAC 53 N_NA_2018-Sep-17.pdf 5/2/2019 5/1/2021
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Atlanta, GA PACK_Vitex AAC 53 N_NA_2018-Sep-17.pdf 5/2/2019 5/1/2022
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Atlanta, GA SDS US - Vitex AAC 53 N KD.pdf 2/25/2021 2/25/2023
California Prop. 65 Atlanta, GA STMT_CA Prop 65_2022-Feb.pdf 2/28/2022 2/28/2024
Residual Statement Atlanta, GA STMT_Contaminants_Unwanted Components_Residual Solvents_Functional Systems_2023-Nov.docx.pdf 11/29/2023 11/28/2024
Phthalate Esters Letter Atlanta, GA STMT_Contaminents_PFAS-PFOS Phthalates Packaging_All Products_2022-Febdocx.pdf 2/28/2022 2/28/2023
Heavy Metal Atlanta, GA STMT_Food Contaminants_Monitoring_Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers_NA_2024-Oct.pdf 10/31/2024 10/31/2026
Pesticide Atlanta, GA STMT_Food Contaminants_Monitoring_Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers_NA_2024-Oct.pdf 10/31/2024 10/31/2026
Gluten Atlanta, GA STMT_Gluten Status_Functional Systems_Atlanta GA US_2021-Sep.pdf 9/30/2021 9/30/2022
HACCP Atlanta, GA STMT_HACCP Program Information_Food & Feed Products_NA_2023-Sep.PDF 9/8/2023 9/7/2026
Irradiation Status Statement Atlanta, GA STMT_Irradiation_Functional Systems_Atlanta GA US_2021-Feb.pdf 2/26/2021 2/26/2023
Lot Code Atlanta, GA STMT_Lot Numbering_Batch Coding_Functional Systems_Atlanta GA US_2021-Nov.pdf 11/30/2021 11/29/2024
Melamine Atlanta, GA STMT_Materials of Interest_Functional Systems_Atlanta GA US_2022-Jun.pdf 6/28/2022 6/28/2023
Sewage Statement Atlanta, GA STMT_Sewage Sludge_Functional Systems_Atlanta GA US_2021-Feb.pdf 2/26/2021 2/26/2023
Suitability Requirements Atlanta, GA Suitability Requirements.pdf 5/23/2022 5/22/2025
Product Specification Sheet Atlanta, GA TDS_110014481_VITEX® AAC 53 N KD BLK_NA_US_2024-Jun-04_v2.PDF 6/4/2024 6/4/2027
Ingredient Statement Atlanta, GA TDS_110014481_VITEX® AAC 53 N KD BLK_NA_US_2024-Jun-04_v2.PDF 6/4/2024 6/4/2025