

  • Halal
  • Kosher
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
MULLINS WHEY INC County Road DB Mosinee, WI 54455
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
HACCP Process Flow Diagram MULLINS WHEY INC 251A Procream Flow Diagram.pdf 8/31/2020 8/31/2022
Allergens MULLINS WHEY INC Allergens.pdf 5/25/2021 5/25/2023
Animal Testing Statement MULLINS WHEY INC Cloned Animal Statement Whey 2022.pdf 1/7/2022 1/7/2024
Country of Origin MULLINS WHEY INC Country of Origin.pdf 8/2/2019 8/1/2022
Lot Code MULLINS WHEY INC Finished product lot coding 2022.pdf 1/7/2022 1/6/2025
GMO MULLINS WHEY INC GMO Statement Procream 2021.pdf 1/4/2021 1/4/2023
HACCP MULLINS WHEY INC Hazard Analysis-Procream.pdf 3/21/2022 3/20/2025
Item Questionnaire MULLINS WHEY INC Item Questionnaire.pdf 5/26/2022 5/25/2025
Nutrition MULLINS WHEY INC Nutrition.pdf 8/16/2019 8/15/2022
Pesticide MULLINS WHEY INC Pesticide Statement 2022.pdf 1/7/2022 1/7/2024
CoA Sample MULLINS WHEY INC procreaam.pdf 6/18/2021 6/18/2023
Kosher MULLINS WHEY INC Procream 2022-2023.pdf 7/31/2022 7/31/2023
Label Sample MULLINS WHEY INC Procream Label.pdf 1/24/2022 1/24/2023
Product Specification Sheet MULLINS WHEY INC Procream Product Specification 10-05-2021.pdf 10/5/2021 10/4/2024
Shelf Life MULLINS WHEY INC procream Product Specification 6-13-2019.pdf 12/15/2021 12/14/2024
Suitability Requirements MULLINS WHEY INC Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/7/2022 3/6/2025
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance MULLINS WHEY INC Volm Companies_M01 - Continuing Guarantee Letter - rev07022020_12162021.pdf 12/16/2021 12/16/2023
Ingredient Statement MULLINS WHEY INC Whey Procream PDS 6.30.2021.pdf 1/1/2023 1/1/2024