
White Grape Juice Concentrate, 68 brix (WGJC68)

100% Grapes
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal
  • Ingredient declaration
  • PHO-free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Fecovita MCA S.A. Independencia 8 Maipu, M 26V7+74 ARG
JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A Urquiza 835 Coquimbito, M 3722+Q7 ARG
LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Av. Juan Carlos I, 91-93 Ciudad Real, Pedro Muñoz 13620 ESP
MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Av. de la Virgen de las Viñas, 48 Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), CM 13700 ESP
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Halal Fecovita MCA S.A. 001689-2021 - MCA Sociedad Anonima.pdf 11/3/2023
CoA Sample GUANACACHE S.A. 16 -COA SAMPLE[1951] GSA.pdf 2/8/2023 2/7/2025
Product Specification Sheet GUANACACHE S.A. 2- ESPEC. GRAPE JUICE STANDAR 2023 GSA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
Pesticide LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL A-06407200030 LCG FRUITS 10 07 2020 [MR-F] MOSTO CONCENTRADO BLANCO REF .PDF 7/10/2020 7/10/2022
Allergens LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Allergens.pdf 12/18/2020 12/18/2022
Allergens JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A Allergens.pdf 4/6/2020 4/6/2022
Allergens Fecovita MCA S.A. Allergens.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2025
Allergens GUANACACHE S.A. Allergens.pdf 2/6/2023 2/5/2025
Allergens MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Allergens.pdf 3/22/2023 3/21/2025
CoA Sample Fecovita MCA S.A. COA ESTANDAR -MODELO SIN DATOS.xls 5/10/2021 5/10/2023
CoA Sample JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A COA Example.pdf 4/13/2020 4/13/2022
CoA Sample LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Coa Lassonde.pdf 2/19/2021 2/19/2023
Country of Origin LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Country of Origin.pdf 12/18/2020 12/18/2023
Country of Origin JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A Country of Origin.pdf 3/30/2020 3/30/2023
Country of Origin Fecovita MCA S.A. Country of Origin.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2026
Country of Origin GUANACACHE S.A. Country of Origin.pdf 2/6/2023 2/5/2026
Country of Origin MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Country of Origin.pdf 3/6/2023 3/5/2026
HACCP Process Flow Diagram LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL DIAGRAMA DE FLUJO INGLES.pdf 1/7/2019 1/6/2021
Product Specification Sheet MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. EN-FICHA TECNICA MCBD MOSTO CONCENTRADO BLANCO DECO Rev_16.pdf 1/23/2023 1/22/2026
Label Sample Fecovita MCA S.A. Example Label.pdf 1/30/2023 1/30/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Fecovita MCA S.A. Flow - WGJC Feb 2022.pdf 2/1/2022 2/1/2024
GMO Fecovita MCA S.A. GMO Certificate -202203.pdf 3/1/2022 2/29/2024
HACCP Fecovita MCA S.A. HACCP PLAN ingles 2022.pdf 2/1/2022 1/31/2025
Ingredient Statement LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Ingredients.pdf 12/9/2020 12/9/2021
Item Questionnaire Fecovita MCA S.A. Item Questionnaire.pdf 9/13/2021 9/12/2024
Label Sample LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Label.pdf 12/10/2020 12/10/2021
Product Specification Sheet LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Lassonde Specifications - signed.pdf 3/10/2021 3/9/2024
Lot Code LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Lot Definition.pdf 12/10/2020 12/10/2023
Lot Code Fecovita MCA S.A. Lot Size statement 2022.pdf 1/1/2022 12/31/2024
Heavy Metal LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Metales MCB 1 (1).pdf 10/23/2020 10/23/2022
Heavy Metal Fecovita MCA S.A. Metales pesados 1ro 2022.pdf 3/17/2022 3/16/2024
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Fecovita MCA S.A. MSDS Leaf Of Security Fecovita 2022 68 Brix.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2024
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Fecovita MCA S.A. National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 9/13/2021 9/12/2024
Kosher LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 12/16/2020 --
Kosher JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 4/6/2020 --
Kosher Fecovita MCA S.A. NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 1/30/2023 1/30/2024
Kosher GUANACACHE S.A. NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 2/6/2023 2/6/2024
Kosher MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 2/27/2023 2/27/2024
Organic Fecovita MCA S.A. NotApplicable_Organic.pdf 5/5/2023 5/5/2024
Nutrition LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Nutrition.pdf 12/18/2020 12/18/2023
Nutrition JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A Nutrition.pdf 3/30/2020 3/30/2023
Nutrition Fecovita MCA S.A. Nutrition.pdf 1/30/2023 1/29/2026
Nutrition GUANACACHE S.A. Nutrition.pdf 2/6/2023 2/5/2026
Nutrition MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Nutrition.pdf 3/6/2023 3/5/2026
Pesticide Fecovita MCA S.A. Pesticida Primero 2022.pdf 2/12/2022 2/12/2024
Product Specification Sheet Fecovita MCA S.A. Quality Datasheet MCA 2021 1.pdf 6/1/2021 5/31/2024
Shelf Life Fecovita MCA S.A. Quality Datasheet MCA 2021 1.pdf 6/1/2021 6/1/2023
Suitability Requirements LCG FRUITS & JUICES SL Suitability Requirements.pdf 12/18/2020 12/18/2023
Suitability Requirements Fecovita MCA S.A. Suitability Requirements.pdf 9/13/2021 9/12/2024
Suitability Requirements JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/30/2020 3/30/2023
Suitability Requirements GUANACACHE S.A. Suitability Requirements.pdf 2/6/2023 2/5/2026
Suitability Requirements MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Suitability Requirements.pdf 3/22/2023 3/21/2026
CoA Sample MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES, S.A. Untitled Extract Pages.pdf 10/3/2023 10/2/2025
Product Specification Sheet JUGOS AUSTRALES S.A WGJC Spec 2020.pdf 4/13/2020 4/13/2023