
White Grape Juice Concentrate (White Grape Juice Concentrate)

MOSTOS ESPAÑOLES S.A. certifies the following information regarding the White Grape Juice Concentrate: - is 100% grape must, natural product with no sugar, flavours, water, enzymes, preservatives or any other substance added to it.
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Mostos Españoles, S.A. Avda. Virgen de las Viñas, 48 Ciudad Real, CM 13700 ESP
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Mostos Españoles, S.A. Allergens.pdf 1/16/2023 1/15/2025
Irradiation Status Statement Mostos Españoles, S.A. CERTIFICADO NO RADIACIONES INGLES.pdf 1/18/2023 1/17/2025
Country of Origin Mostos Españoles, S.A. Country of Origin.pdf 1/16/2023 1/15/2026
Product Specification Sheet Mostos Españoles, S.A. EN-FICHA TECNICA MCB MOSTO CONCENTRADO BLANCO Rev_15.pdf 1/25/2022 1/24/2025
GMO Mostos Españoles, S.A. ENG STATEMENT GMO.pdf 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Mostos Españoles, S.A. ENG-FLOWCHART MUB-MUT WHITE-RED GRAPE JUICE Rev.14.pdf 10/11/2022 10/10/2024
Natural Mostos Españoles, S.A. ENG-INGREDIENTES STATEMENT.pdf 1/17/2023 1/17/2024
Ingredient Statement Mostos Españoles, S.A. ENG-INGREDIENTES STATEMENT.pdf 1/17/2023 1/17/2024
HACCP Mostos Españoles, S.A. ENG-PR 03-04 Rev.29 TABLA ANALISIS DE PELIGROS (Producto Aseptico-Pasteurizado).pdf 1/10/2022 1/9/2025
Heavy Metal Mostos Españoles, S.A. METALES MCB-DEP7C (080323).PDF 3/8/2023 3/7/2025
Pesticide Mostos Españoles, S.A. MULTIRRESIDUOS_MCBE8C2_280322.pdf 3/31/2022 3/30/2024
Kosher Mostos Españoles, S.A. NotApplicable_Kosher.pdf 1/18/2023 1/18/2024
Nutrition Mostos Españoles, S.A. Nutrition.pdf 1/16/2023 1/15/2026
CoA Sample Mostos Españoles, S.A. REF.280_22MCBP-C WFF USA.pdf 10/22/2022 10/21/2024