Cheddar with Cracked Black Pepper 2 x 2kg (10554)
Cheddar Cheese (Pasteurized cow’s milk, salt (contains E535 anti-caking agent-Yellow Prussiate of soda) rennet (microbial), starter cultures), cracked black pepper, Granulated Onion (contains anticake E470a)
- Ingredient declaration
Location name | Address |
Ashley Chase | Parks Farm/Litton Cheney Dorchester, J6 DT2 9AZ GBR |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Allergens | Ashley Chase | Allergens.pdf | 3/3/2022 | 3/2/2024 |
Product Specification Sheet | Ashley Chase | Cheddar with Black Pepper - QMF 58 Finished PRODUCT Specification Issue 11 060619.docx | 11/20/2020 | 11/20/2023 |
Country of Origin | Ashley Chase | Country of Origin.pdf | 1/11/2022 | 1/10/2025 |
Item Questionnaire | Ashley Chase | Item Questionnaire.pdf | 1/11/2022 | 1/10/2025 |
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) | Ashley Chase | National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf | 3/16/2022 | 3/15/2025 |
Nutrition | Ashley Chase | Nutrition.pdf | 3/3/2022 | 3/2/2025 |
Label Sample | Ashley Chase | som-chedd-blk-pepp-2kg-canada-base-artw.pdf | 6/5/2019 | 6/4/2020 |