Somerdale International ltd

British cheese and dairy products exporter
Location name Address
Ashley Chase Parks Farm/Litton Cheney Dorchester, J6 DT2 9AZ GBR
Coombe Castle International The Creamery Western Way Melksham, M3 SN12 8FH GBR
Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd Nottingham Road Cropwell Bishop, Nottingham, KZ NG12 3BQ GBR
Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) 1086 Rocklands Wexford, WX TBC IRL
Long Clawson Dairy West End Long Clawson Melton Mowbray, KB LE14 4PJ GBR
Lymn Bank Farm Lymn Bank East Thorpe St Peter Lincolnshire, KC PE24 4PJ GBR
Norseland Somerton Road Ilchester, LD BA228JL GBR
Quickes Traditional Limited Home Farm, Newton St Cyres Exeter, J5 EX5 5DA GBR
Somerdale International ltd Unit 3H, Westpark 26, Chelston Wellington, LD TA21 9AD GBR
Somerdale International Ltd-The Drinks Bakery 16 West Road Greshop Industrial Estate Forres, KK IV36 2GW GBR
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
3rd Party Audit Certificate Norseland 0385-F-Norseland Limited-Somerset-February-2024-BRCGS-Food-Cert-Iss 1.pdf 4/8/2024 7/3/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Norseland 0385-F-Norseland Limited-Somerset-February-2024-BRCGS-Food-Report-Iss 1.pdf 4/8/2024 7/3/2025
GFSI Certificate Coombe Castle International 1048-F-Coombe Castle International-Melksham-November-2024-BRCGS-Food-Cert-Iss 1.pdf 12/18/2024 1/19/2026
GFSI Audit Report Coombe Castle International 1048-F-Coombe Castle International-Melksham-November-2024-BRCGS-Food-Report-Iss 1.pdf 12/18/2024 1/19/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Somerdale International ltd 7. HACCP PLAN 2016 v.2 30.08.2016.xlsx 8/30/2016 8/30/2017
HACCP Plan (Facility) Ashley Chase Antibiotic Risk Assessment Ashley Chase Estate Ltd 2021.doc 9/1/2021 9/1/2023
3rd Party Audit Certificate Somerdale International Ltd-The Drinks Bakery BRC 22 Macleans Highland Bakery - BRCGS Certificate 2022[2].pdf 8/11/2022 9/20/2023
3rd Party Audit Report Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd BRC CERT C0084411 - Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd.pdf 9/11/2019 9/11/2020
3rd Party Audit Report Ashley Chase BRC Certificate for Ashley Chase Estate Ltd 2019.pdf 6/13/2019 4/4/2020
3rd Party Audit Certificate Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) BRC Food Safety Certificate Exp 13.07.2025.pdf 8/8/2024 7/13/2025
GFSI Certificate Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) BRC Food Safety Certificate Exp 13.07.2025.pdf 7/11/2024 7/13/2025
GFSI Audit Report Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) BRC NC Summary Exp 13.07.2025.png 7/11/2024 7/13/2025
Distributor's Traceability System Ashley Chase BRCGS Food 8 Audit Report Ashley Chase Exp 4.4.24.pdf 4/4/2023 4/3/2026
Contact Information Form Somerdale International ltd Contact Information Form _1800 Flowers (1).docx 5/29/2024 5/29/2025
GFSI Certificate Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd Cropwell Bishop BRC Certificate Exp 28.11.25.pdf 11/28/2024 11/28/2025
GFSI Audit Report Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd Cropwell Bishop BRC Corrective Action Report Exp 28.11.25.pdf 11/28/2024 11/28/2025
Discontinued Product, Product Changes, or Distributor Changes Somerdale International ltd Discontinued Product 080125.pdf 1/23/2025 1/23/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Ashley Chase Fiche de contact Fournisseur - Supplier Contact Sheet_2023NO14.docx 3/26/2024 3/26/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Ashley Chase Ford Farm BRCGS Certificate Exp 04.04.2025.pdf 3/26/2024 4/4/2025
GFSI Certificate Ashley Chase Ford Farm BRCGS Certificate Exp 04.04.2025.pdf 2/19/2024 4/4/2025
GFSI Audit Report Ashley Chase Ford Farm BRCGS Report Exp 04.04.2025.pdf 2/19/2024 4/4/2025
Facility Allergen Long Clawson Dairy FRM-ENT-0019-R0 Facility Allergen Form Clawson.xlsx 1/13/2025 1/13/2026
Facility Allergen Coombe Castle International FRM-ENT-0019-R0 Facility Allergen Form Coombe Castle.xlsx 1/13/2025 1/13/2026
Facility Allergen Somerdale International ltd FRM-ENT-0019-R0 Facility Allergen Form Somerdale.xlsx 1/13/2025 1/13/2026
HACCP Somerdale International ltd HACCP Review 100823.pdf 8/10/2023 8/9/2026
Labor and Human Rights Policy Somerdale International ltd Labour Policy 2025.pdf 1/23/2025 1/23/2026
Letter of Guarantee Ashley Chase Letter of Guarantee_rev03NO2014 (3).docx 10/9/2023 10/8/2025
GFSI Audit Report Long Clawson Dairy Long Clawson Audit Report Exp 08.11.2025.pdf 10/30/2024 11/8/2025
GFSI Certificate Long Clawson Dairy Long Clawson Certificate Exp 08.11.2025.pdf 10/30/2024 11/8/2025
Pure Foods Guarantee Somerdale International ltd Murrays Pure Food Guarantee 240924.pdf 9/24/2024 9/24/2025
Insurance Somerdale International ltd Murrays-Cheese_Ford-Farm-USA,-_24-25-Master-CO_4-5-2024_654049845_1.pdf 4/5/2024 4/5/2025
1A - PDHA/Supplier Questionnaire Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1APDHASupplierQuestionnaire.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1D - Evidence of Control Validation Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1DEvidenceofControlValidation.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1E - Shelf Life Validation Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1F - Consumer Preparation Validation Ashley Chase NotApplicable_1FConsumerPreparationValidation.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
3rd Party Audit Certificate Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 10/4/2019 --
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Quickes Traditional Limited NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 7/11/2023 7/11/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2026
3rd Party Audit Report Somerdale International Ltd-The Drinks Bakery NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditReport.pdf 7/24/2023 7/24/2024
CA Transparency Act Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_CATransparencyAct.pdf 1/24/2024 1/23/2026
COA Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_COA.pdf 7/31/2023 6/26/4761
CoA Sample Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_COASample.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2025
Country of Origin Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_CountryofOrigin.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2026
CTPAT Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_CTPAT.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2026
Distributor's Traceability System Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) NotApplicable_DistributorsTraceabilitySystem.pdf 6/13/2023 6/12/2026
Environmental Policy Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_EnvironmentalPolicy.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2026
Farmed Fin Fish Feed Statement Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_FarmedFinFishFeedStatement.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2026
FDA Registration Ashley Chase NotApplicable_FDARegistration.pdf 6/13/2019 --
FDA Registration Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd NotApplicable_FDARegistration.pdf 6/13/2019 --
Food Defense Plan Statement Ashley Chase NotApplicable_FoodDefensePlanStatement.pdf 6/13/2019 6/12/2021
Food Defense Plan Statement Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd NotApplicable_FoodDefensePlanStatement.pdf 6/13/2019 6/12/2021
Fortune Farmed Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_FortuneFarmed.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2026
GFSI Certification Ashley Chase NotApplicable_GFSICertification.pdf 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
GFSI Corrective Action Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 8/8/2023 8/8/2024
GFSI Corrective Action Ashley Chase NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 7/11/2023 7/11/2024
GFSI Corrective Action Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 7/11/2023 7/11/2024
NDA Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_NDA.pdf 7/9/2024 7/9/2025
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_SafetyDataSheetSDS.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2025
W-9 Ashley Chase NotApplicable_W9.pdf 6/13/2019 6/12/2022
W-9 Somerdale International ltd NotApplicable_W9.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2026
Letter of Guarantee Long Clawson Dairy Ongoing letter of guarantee AJ 1800Flowers 130125.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
Letter of Guarantee Coombe Castle International Ongoing letter of guarantee AJ 1800Flowers 130125.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
Letter of Guarantee Somerdale International ltd Ongoing letter of guarantee Fortune 310723.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2025
Bioterrorism Letter Somerdale International ltd P6 Somerdale Operations 0518.docx 7/9/2024 7/9/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Somerdale International ltd P6 Somerdale Operations 0518.docx 8/1/2023 7/31/2025
Pricing and Purchase Order Confirmation Somerdale International ltd Pricing 2025.pdf 1/23/2025 1/23/2026
Product Integrity and Shelf-Life Somerdale International ltd Product Integrity 2025.pdf 1/23/2025 1/23/2026
Recall Plan Ashley Chase PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 6/13/2019 6/12/2020
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Quickes Traditional Limited PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 3/29/2019 3/28/2020
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 6/13/2019 6/12/2020
Recall Plan Quickes Traditional Limited PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 3/29/2019 3/28/2020
Recall Plan Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 6/13/2019 6/12/2020
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Ashley Chase PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE Version 2 250917.docx 6/13/2019 6/12/2020
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Somerdale International ltd QMP 17 PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE V6 220323.docx 7/9/2024 7/9/2025
Recall Plan Somerdale International ltd QMP 17 PRODUCT WITHDRAWAL RECALL PROCEDURE V6 220323.docx 7/9/2024 7/9/2025
Allergen Control Policy Somerdale International ltd QMP 19 Allergen Policy V.1 09.08.2018.pdf 1/24/2024 1/23/2026
Supplier Approval Program Statement Somerdale International ltd QMP 32 Supplier Approval & Monitoring Procedure Issue 2 140722.docx 6/26/2024 6/26/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Quickes Traditional Limited Quickes SALSA Audit Report Exp 07.12.25.pdf 12/7/2024 12/7/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Quickes Traditional Limited Quickes SALSA Certificate Exp 07.12.25.pdf 12/7/2024 12/7/2025
Recall Procedure Somerdale International ltd Recall Procedure 2025.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Quickes Traditional Limited SALSA Audit 2018 - Summary.pdf 3/29/2019 3/28/2021
Insurance Ashley Chase Saputo-Produits-Lai_Ford-Farm-USA,-_23-24-Master_2-5-2024_1676024968_1.pdf 3/31/2024 3/31/2025
GFSI Certificate Somerdale International ltd Somerdale BRC Certificate Exp 04.09.2025.pdf 8/20/2024 9/4/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Somerdale International ltd Somerdale BRC Certificate Exp 04.09.2025.pdf 8/20/2024 9/4/2025
GFSI Audit Report Somerdale International ltd Somerdale BRC Report Exp 04.09.2025.pdf 8/20/2024 9/4/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Somerdale International ltd Somerdale BRC Report Exp 04.09.2025.pdf 8/20/2024 9/4/2025
FDA Registration Somerdale International ltd Somerdale FDA Exp 311226.pdf 10/8/2024 12/31/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) Supplier Contact Sheet_rev2018JN18 4.docx 7/31/2023 7/30/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (Wexford Creamery) Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Quickes Traditional Limited Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Ashley Chase Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Somerdale International Ltd-The Drinks Bakery Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 8/30/2023 8/29/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Norseland Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Coombe Castle International Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
Supplier Questionnaire Cropwell Bishop Creamery Ltd Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Long Clawson Dairy Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
Supplier Questionnaire Somerdale International ltd Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 7/31/2023 7/30/2025
Supplier Self Assessment Questionnaire Somerdale International ltd Supplier Self Assessment.pdf 1/23/2025 1/23/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Somerdale International ltd Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 1/24/2024 1/23/2027
FDA Registration Quickes Traditional Limited 3/29/2019 3/29/2021
Food Defense Plan Statement Somerdale International ltd VACCP Review 180124.pdf 1/18/2024 1/17/2026