
F-DVS CR-MATURE01\10X500U (710315)

F-DVS CR-MATURE01\10X500U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture contains a nisin producing strain for promotion of bacteria lysis. Some strains are facultative heterofermentative and may produce CO2 in specific conditions.
lactic acid culture or starter culture
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures 9015 W. Maple Street Milwakee, WI 53214
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Allergens Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Allergens.pdf 5/25/2023 5/24/2025
BSE - TSE Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures BSE Dairy Cultures EN.pdf 1/15/2024 1/14/2027
California Prop. 65 Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CA Prop 65 Statement_MFC & Enzymes_US_12MAY2023.pdf 5/12/2023 5/11/2025
Country of Origin Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Country of Origin.pdf 5/25/2023 5/24/2026
Ingredient Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Dairy Culture Ingredients_19FEB2024.pdf 2/19/2024 2/18/2025
Halal Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HAL_CR-MATURE01_710315_EN.pdf 12/22/2023 12/31/2025
Heavy Metal Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Heavy Metals_Meat, Dairy and Fermented Plant Base Cultures_EN.pdf 5/23/2024 5/23/2026
Kosher Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures KOS_CR-MATURE 01_710315_US.pdf 9/1/2024 8/31/2025
Gluten Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_Gluten information_Food Cultures and Enzymes_US_EN.pdf 2/7/2024 2/6/2026
GMO Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_GM Status_Food Cultures_US_EN.pdf 6/7/2023 6/6/2025
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 5/31/2023 5/30/2026
Nutrition Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Nutrition.pdf 5/31/2023 5/30/2026
Phthalate Esters Letter Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Packaging_phthalates_EN_05APR24jm.pdf 4/5/2024 4/5/2025
Pesticide Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pesticides and antibiotic residuals_MFC_EN.pdf 8/29/2023 8/28/2025
Product Specification Sheet Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures PI_EU_CR-MATURE01_710315_EN_ret06JUN23jm.pdf 6/6/2023 6/5/2026
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures SDS_CR-MATURE01_710315_America English_060623jm.pdf 6/6/2023 6/5/2025
Shelf Life Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Two year shelf life on frozen goods_Effective JULY1,2023.pdf 7/1/2023 6/30/2025