Chr. Hansen, Inc., part of Novonesis Group - Food & Beverage Biosolutions

The time for biosolutions is now. It’s time for change. For food systems that deliver more, healthier food. For better health from the beginning of life right through to old age. And for a healthy planet for generations to come. It’s time for the era of biosolutions. Tiny but mighty enzymes, functional proteins and microbes enable change in all living things. We put that transformational power at the core of our biosolutions to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.
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127224 product image
CHY-MAX® M is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® Extra NB\5Gal product image
CHY-MAX® Extra NB is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added.
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CHY-MAX® EXTRA\265GAL product image
CHY-MAX® Extra is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk- coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® EXTRA\4X1 GAL product image
CHY-MAX® Extra is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® EXTRA\5 GAL product image
CHY-MAX® Extra is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® EXTRA\55 GAL product image
CHY-MAX® Extra is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® M 1000\6X1L product image
CHY-MAX® M 1000 is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® M 600 KFP NB\20L product image
CHY-MAX® M 600 KFP NB is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added. As benzoate helps maintain the microbial quality of liquid enzyme products, Chr. Hansen strongly advises customers to adhere to the recommended storage and transportation temperatures for NB products. If this is not possible, a benzoate-free powder product or liquid formulated with benzoate should be used.
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CHY-MAX® M NB\5 Gal product image
CHY-MAX® M NB is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added. As benzoate helps maintain the microbial quality of liquid enzyme products, Chr. Hansen strongly advises customers to adhere to the recommended storage and transportation temperatures for NB products. If this is not possible, a benzoate-free powder product or liquid formulated with benzoate should be used.
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CHY-MAX® M NB\55Gal product image
CHY-MAX® M NB is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added. As benzoate helps maintain the microbial quality of liquid enzyme products, Chr. Hansen strongly advises customers to adhere to the recommended storage and transportation temperatures for NB products. If this is not possible, a benzoate-free powder product or liquid formulated with benzoate should be used.
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CHY-MAX® M\5 Gallons product image
CHY-MAX® M is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000 NB\5 Gal product image
CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000 NB is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added.
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CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000\5 Gal product image
CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000 is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus nigervar. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000\6x1L product image
CHY-MAX® Supreme 1000 is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product
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B-LC-78 50x25g\100kg product image
SafePro® B-LC-78 is a freeze-dried food culture for cured meat products. It supports color and flavor development. The culture has the ability to help control the growth of Listeria monocytogenes
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CS-300 10x250g\1125kg product image
The Bactoferm ® range contains food cultures for traditionally and fast fermented meat and prepared food products. The range also spans cultures for flavor and color enhancement and includes mold cultures for surface applications. The culture is recommended in the production of raw cured meat products, cooked cured meat products and raw fermented sausages.
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CHY-MAX® ULTRA\5 GAL product image
CHY-MAX® Ultra is a pure chymosin produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with Aspergillus niger var. awamori kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains a milk-clotting enzyme which is highly specific for kappa-casein, resulting in very good curd formation. The general proteolitic activity also has a significant influence on the flavor and texture development of cheeses. The active milk-coagulating enzyme is chymosin (EC
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F-DVS ENZOBACT\10X500U product image
A defined thermophilic adjunct culture. ENZOBACT is a ripening culture specially developed to enhance the quality of low-fat cheese. The culture is based on a unique balanced aminopeptidase composition. The strains are all isolated from traditionally well known cheese cultures on the criteria that they have no or reduced capability to ferment lactose. Enzobact is a heat-treated Lactobacillus helveticus culture that contains high aminopeptidase and medium aminotransferase activity. Enzobact enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. The culture produces balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavor notes.
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F-DVS Yo-Fast 22\22X250U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yogurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yogurt.
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F-DVS eXact® KEFIR 12\12X500U product image
Blend of 12 aromatic eXact® Kefir cultures. The eXact® KEFIR culture produces texture and flavor characteristic of modern Kefir. The eXact® Kefir 12 should be use together with a YoFlex® to differentiate flavor and to obtain 14 Kefir cultures. The culture is designed to be used together with a YoFlex® culture for manufacturing of Kefir type products.
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FD-DVS ABY-3\20X500U product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. Contains the documented probiotic strains BB-12® and LA-5®. The strains have a long history of safe use. The culture will produce yogurt or fermented milk with high body, very mild flavor and very low post-acidification. Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yogurt.
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FD-DVS ABY-3\25X200U product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. Contains the documented probiotic strains BB-12® and LA-5®. The strains have a long history of safe use. The culture will produce yogurt or fermented milk with high body, very mild flavor and very low post-acidification. Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yogurt.
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F-DVS eXact® NG Flavor+\15X500U product image
Defined blend of thermophilic and mesophilic lactic acid cultures. Adjunct aromatic eXact® culture. The culture increases diacetyl flavor without CO2 production. Usage Manufacturing of the following fermented milk products: - Cream cheese - Crème fraiche / Sour cream - Extra creamy buttermilk - Quarg / Fromage frais
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F-ES A920\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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FD-DVS CHN-11\30X50U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.
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FD-DVS CHN-19\30X50U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.
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F-DVS FRESCO 1000-21\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FRESCO 1000-70\6x1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-ES A920\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of Cheddar, Colby and Monterey Jack cheese
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F-ES A926\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-DVS FRESCO 1000-81\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FRESCO 3000-10\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor, the good curd identity and their phage resistance. Also, the culture is specially designed to give very high curd yield when used in cottage cheese applications.
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FD-DVS CHN-22\30X50U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. Usage The culture can be used in the manufacture of the following products - soft cheese with slow acidification (Lactic cheese, Camenbert, Blue Cheese) - cheese varieties with eyes (Gouda, Edam) - fermented milk products manufactured by separation method (Sour Cream, Fromage Frais) - lactic butter.
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F-DVS FRESCO 3000-20\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor, the good curd identity and their phage resistance. Also, the culture is specially designed to give very high curd yield when used in cottage cheese applications.
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F-DVS FRESCO 3000-40\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor, the good curd identity and their phage resistance. Also, the culture is specially designed to give very high curd yield when used in cottage cheese applications.
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720618 product image
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F-ES A2010\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-LC 50x25g\100kg product image
SafePro® F-LC is a freeze-dried food culture for fermented meat products. It drives acidification and supports color and flavor development. The culture has the ability to help control the growth of Listeria monocytogenes
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F-ES A940\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A945\ 5X1200U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of Cheddar, Colby and Monterey Jack cheese
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FLORA ITALIA LC 25x50g\200kg product image
SafePro® Flora Italia LC is a freeze-dried food culture for fermented meat products. It drives acidification and supports color and flavor development. The culture has the ability to help control the growth of Listeria monocytogenes
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FD-DVS FreshQ® 2\20X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products
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FD-DVS FreshQ® 2\25X100U product image
The FreshQ® cultures are combinations of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products.
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FD-DVS FreshQ® 4\20X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products.
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F-DVS FRESCO 3000-60\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor, the good curd identity and their phage resistance. Also, the culture is specially designed to give very high curd yield when used in cottage cheese applications.
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F-DVS FRESCO 3000-80\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor, the good curd identity and their phage resistance. Also, the culture is specially designed to give very high curd yield when used in cottage cheese applications.
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F-ES A2020\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process.
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F-ES A2020\2X9260U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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FD-DVS R-704\20X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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FD-DVS R-704\30X50U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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FD-DVS R-707\30X50U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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F-ES A945\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A955\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2020\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2021\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A965\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A980\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-DVS FRESCO® 1000NG-10\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FRESCO® 1000NG-20\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-ES A2026\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2040\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process.
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Defined thermophilic culture containing strains selected for their moderate lactic acid production and low post acidification. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses with low post acidification, e.g. stabilized cheeses andmodern Camembert and Emmenthal types. The culture can be applied alone (for stabilized soft cheese) or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus helveticus (for Emmenthal).
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F-ES A986\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A990\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2040\2X9260U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2040\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A991\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A992\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A993\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A994\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES FLORA™ C1050\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types (Gouda, Edam, Maasdam, Raclette and Samsoe).
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F-ES FLORA™ C1050\12X375U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORAÔ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types (Gouda, Edam, Maasdam, Raclette and Samsoe).
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F-DVS FRESCO® 1000NG-30\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FRESCO® 1000NG-40\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-ES A2041\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk
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F-ES A2041\2X7690U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-DVS FRESCO® 1000NG-50\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 1\20X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 10\10X500U product image
The FreshQ® cultures are combinations of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 11\14X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation.
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F-ES FLORA™ C1060\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types (Gouda, Edam, Maasdam, Raclette and Samsoe).
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F-ES FLORA™ C1060\12X375U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORAÔ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types (Gouda, Edam, Maasdam, Raclette and Samsoe)
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F-ES A2041\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2045\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process
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F-ES FLORA™ C1070\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes).
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F-ES FLORA™ C1070\5X750U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORAÔ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L and D. The strains are carefully selected for their rich flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (many eyes).
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F-ES A2045\2X9260U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2045\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-DVS FreshQ® 12\14X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation.
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F-ES FLORA™ C150\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese. The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with no requirement for eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
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F-ES FLORA™ C150\5X750U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese. The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with no requirement for eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
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MICROLANT® Classic 750 NB\5Gal product image
MICROLANT® Classic 750 NB is a microbial coagulant, mucorpepsin, produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with a select strain of the fungus Rhizomucor miehei kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. NB indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added.
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MICROLANT® Classic 750\5Gal product image
MICROLANT® Classic 750\5Gal is a microbial coagulant, mucorpepsin, produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with a select strain of the fungus Rhizomucor miehei kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. The product contains milk-clotting enzymes which are active on kappa-casein, resulting in curd formation. It is widely used in the cheese industry as an alternative to bovine/calf rennet and Fermentation Produced Chymosin (FPC). The high unspecific proteolitic activity of Rhizomucor miehei has significant influence on yield, flavor and texture development of cheeses compared to calf- and fermentation-produced chymosin.
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FD-RS FLORA DANICA\30X1000L product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. Chr. Hansen's Redi-Set cultures are concentrated cultures for the production of bulk starter without previous reactivation of the cultures. The Redi-Set cultures are carefully selected and internationally approved lactic acid bacteria for the dairy industry, grown in a cow's milk media using the latest advanced production technology. The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.
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F-DVS 2003\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture does not produce CO2 (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 5\10X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products
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F-ES FLORA™ C160\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese.
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F-DVS 850\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture does not produce CO2 (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS 970\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture does not produce CO2 (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 5\15X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 9\10X500U product image
The FreshQ® cultures are combinations of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products.
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F-DVS 980\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture does not produce CO2 (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese
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F-DVS ABC\16X200g product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture contains the listed strains blended in a concentrated form for production of fermented dairy products.The culture should be applied in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as yogurt or mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD). A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products.
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F-ES FLORA™ C170\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese.
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F-ES FLORA™ C180 NG\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese. The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with no requirement for eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
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F-ES FLORA™ C180\6X750U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese.
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F-DVS B-11\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.
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F-DVS BB-12\10X500g product image
Thermophilic culture. The culture is a defined single strain with a long history of safe use. Substantial clinical documentation on possible health benefits are available upon request and likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin. BB-12® is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. The culture is primarily used in production of probiotic dairy products. The culture can be applied in combination with other lactic acid cultures such as yogurt or mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD). A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products.
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F-DVS FreshQ® 9\18X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation.
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F-DVS FreshQ® Cheese 1\20X500U product image
The culture is a combination of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation
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F-ES FLORA™ C190\5X750U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic homofermentative strains, type O. The strains are carefully selected for their mild flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture does not contribute to eye formation in the cheese.
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F-ES FLORA™ C950\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L. The strains are carefully selected for their medium flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (few eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with little or no eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
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F-ES FLORA™ C960\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture blend is for continuous direct vat set use at low inoculation rates. The culture contains multiple, but well defined mesophilic strains, type O and mesophilic aromatic strains, type L. The strains are carefully selected for their medium flavor contribution, high phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture contributes to eye formation in the cheese (few eyes). The cultures are primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with little or no eye formation (Edam, Gouda, Danbo).
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F-ES i405\1X7000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture comprised of strains specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process.
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F-DVS BB-12\16X250g product image
Thermophilic culture. The culture is a defined single strain with a long history of safe use. Substantial clinical documentation on possible health benefits are available upon request and likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin. BB-12® is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen.
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F-DVS BS-10\10X65U product image
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F-DVS FreshQ® Cheese 4\10X500U product image
The FreshQ® cultures are combinations of traditional lactic acid bacteria that deliver inhibition of unwanted yeast and moulds in fermented dairy products. The effect is obtained through active participation in the natural fermentation. The cultures are added in combination with the normal starter culture in the production of fermented dairy products. The cultures are developed for application in cheese.
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F-DVS GRANA-102\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined thermophilic and mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor and texture contribution. The culture is primarily applied in the production of hard cheese varieties (e.g. Parmesan, Reggianito, Sardo, Goya and Roomy), which are characterized by a compact and granular texture. The culture provides a complex, mature cheese flavor with sweet, fruity and nutty notes.
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F-ES i405\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types
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F-ES i405\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i410\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CAF\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type L. The culture produces flavor and CO2. ThecultureisdesignedtobeusedasaflavoradjunctculturewithChr.Hansen’sculturestoproduceahighlyflavoredend product. The culture is ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Crème fraiche/Sour cream - Cream cheese
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F-DVS CC-02\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cottage cheese, cheddar and feta. The culture can be applied in other fermented dairy products, normally in combination with other lactic acid bacteria.
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F-DVS GRANA-105\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined thermophilic and mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor and texture contribution. The culture is primarily applied in the production of hard cheese varieties (e.g. Parmesan, Reggianito, Sardo, Goya and Roomy), which are characterized by a compact and granular texture. The culture provides a complex, mature cheese flavor with sweet, fruity and nutty notes.
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F-DVS GRANA-106\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined thermophilic and mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor and texture contribution. The culture is primarily applied in the production of hard cheese varieties (e.g. Parmesan, Reggianito, Sardo, Goya and Roomy), which are characterized by a compact and granular texture. The culture provides a complex, mature cheese flavor with sweet, fruity and nutty notes.
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F-ES i410\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i415\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CC-04\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cottage cheese, cheddar and feta. The culture can be applied in other fermented dairy products, normally in combination with other lactic acid bacteria.
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F-DVS CC-06\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cottage cheese, cheddar and feta. The culture can be applied in other fermented dairy products, normally in combination with other lactic acid bacteria.
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F-DVS KFP CH-3\10X500U product image
Thermophilic YoFlex® culture. This Chr. Hansen culture range provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover blends. The culture will produce yoghurt with very strong flavor, medium viscosity and high post-acidification. Suitable for cup set, stirred, drinking and frozen yoghurt. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS KFP CHEESE 01\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-ES i415\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i416\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES A2055\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process
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F-ES A2055\2X7580U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2055\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2065\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2066\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2070\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2076\1X8000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). Given the continued evolution of cheesemaking operations and vat size, as well as the need to track ingredients and optimize dosage for given recipes, while minimizing manual handling of EASY-SET® culture inoculation, the latest innovation from Chr. Hansen involves the preparation of a suspension of thawed cultures in a defined volume of liquid followed by automated and accurate dosing into the cheese milk. The Easy-Dose® format of 5KU-10KU Units is specifically designed to facilitate this inoculation process.
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F-ES A2076\2X7690U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-DVS KFP CHEESE 03\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS KFP CHEESE 04\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cottage cheese. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS KFP CHEESE 05\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen culture system provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover customized blends designed for continuous use in direct vat set systems. The cultures are selected for their ability to produce lactic acid quickly, their flavor and their phage resistance.
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F-DVS KFP CHN-19\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. This Chr. Hansen culture range provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover blends.The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti. The culture can also be used in buttermilk and sour cream. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover
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F-DVS KFP LA-K\10X500g product image
Thermophilic culture of defined single strain with long history of safe use. This Chr. Hansen culture range provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover blends. The culture is primarily used in production of probiotic milk products. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as Bifidobacterium, yogurt cultures and mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD). The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS KFP LH-17\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes, and especially nutty flavor. This Chr. Hansen culture range provides a complete line of Kosher for Passover blends. The culture is primary applied in the production of Italian and Swiss cheese varieties. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic cultures, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD culture. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-ES i416\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types
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Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i420\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i450\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i450\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i455\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2085\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2090\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A2120\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A2130\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
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F-ES A3010\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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MICROLANT® Supreme 750 NB\20L product image
MICROLANT® Supreme 750 NB is a microbial coagulant produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with a select strain of the fungus Rhizomucor miehei kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product. "NB" indicates that this product is formulated with "No Benzoate" added.
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SpiceIT® AG\1Kg product image
SpiceIT® AG is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of fat, which results in the formation of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids contribute to improved flavor of various cheese types. Lipases result in the formation of shorter chain fatty acids which contribute to a piquant flavor characteristic. The enzyme originates from the epiglottis of freshly slaughtered kid-goats. SpiceIT® AG can be used for improving the flavor profile of various cheese types including Italian, Italian-style and Feta cheese. Desired flavor profiles are highly subjective and vary according to individual. As a result, selection and dosage of lipases should be adjusted for each market. It is advised to adjust dosage levels according to desired flavor profiles.
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SpiceIT® AL\1Kg product image
SpiceIT® AL is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of fat, which results in the formation of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids contribute to improved flavor of various cheese types. Lipases result in the formation of shorter chain fatty acids which contribute to a piquant flavor characteristic. The lipase originates from the epiglottis of freshly slaughtered lamb.
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SpiceIT® M100\6Kg product image
SpiceIT® M100 is a standardized solution of a Y. lipolytica lipase produced by submerged fermentation with a Komagataella phaffii strain. SpiceIT® M100 catalyzes the breakdown of fat which results in the formation of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids contribute to the improved flavor of various cheese types. Specifically, this lipase results in the formation of shorter chain free fatty acids which contribute to a piquant and butyric flavor. The production organism is kept under contained condition and is not present in the final product.
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SpiceIT® M20\5Kg (SpiceIT® MR) product image
SpiceIT® MR is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of fat, which results in the formation of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids contribute to improved flavor of various cheese types. Lipases result in the formation of shorter chain fatty acids which contribute to a piquant flavor characteristic. The enzyme is a pure, standardized lipase produced by submerged fermentation using an Aspergillus oryzae strain. The production organism is kept under contained condition and is not present in the final product. SpiceIT® MR can be used for improving the flavor profile of various cheese types including Italian, Italian-style and Feta cheese. Desired flavor profiles are highly subjective and vary according to individual. As a result, selection and dosage of lipases should be adjusted for each market. It is advised to adjust dosage levels according to desired flavor profiles.
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SpiceIT® M50-O\6x 0.5Kg product image
SpiceIT® M50-O (formally SpiceIT® MPlus) is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of fat, which results in the formation of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids contribute to improved flavor of various cheese types. Lipases result in the formation of shorter chain fatty acids which contribute to a piquant flavor characteristic. The enzyme is a pure, standardized lipase produced by submerged fermentation using a Mucor javanicus strain. The production organism is kept under contained condition and is not present in the final product. SpiceIT® MPlus can be used to improve the flavor profile of various cheese types including Italian, Italian-style and Feta cheese. Desired flavor profiles are highly subjective and vary according to individual requirements. As a result, the selection of a particular lipase should be tailored to the desired flavor profile.
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F-DVS CC-08\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cottage cheese, cheddar and feta. The culture can be applied in other fermented dairy products, normally in combination with other lactic acid bacteria.
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F-DVS CHN-19\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate. The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.
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F-ES i455\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i460\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES A3020\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A3030\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-DVS CHN-22\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD. The culture produces flavor and CO2. The culture can be used in the manufacture of the following products - soft cheese with slow acidification (Lactic cheese, Camenbert, Blue Cheese) - cheese varieties with eyes (Gouda, Edam) - fermented milk products manufactured by separation method (Sour Cream, Fromage Frais) - lactic butter.
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F-DVS CR-213\10X200U product image
A defined blend of mesophilic omofermentative adjunct culture. The selection of the culture is based on a unique balanced aminopeptidase composition. The strains are all isolated from traditionally well known cheese cultures on the criteria that they have no or reduced capability to ferment lactose. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of cheese by accentuating all important flavor notes. It enhances balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors such as sour, bitter and flat. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This culture is particularly used in Cheddar, Continental cheeses (rindless cheese), low-fat cheese and cheese containing vegetable fat.
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F-ES i460\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i475\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CR-319\10X500U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture is characterized by its high ability to lyse in the cheese environment. It has a low acidification rate in milk. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This culture is particularly used in Cheddar, Continental cheeses (rindless cheese), low-fat cheese and cheese containing vegetable fat.
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F-DVS CR-520\10X475U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture contains a nisin producing strain for promotion of bacteria lysis. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This culture is particularly used in Cheddar, Continental cheeses (rindless cheese), low-fat cheese and cheese containing vegetable fat.
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F-ES i475\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i481\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CR-540\10X475U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture contains a nisin producing strain for promotion of bacteria lysis. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This culture is particularly used in Cheddar, Continental cheeses (rindless cheese), low-fat cheese and cheese containing vegetable fat.
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F-DVS CR-716/15X475U product image
Adjunct culture. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This perfect blended culture solution is designed for aged cheeses and is primarily intended for North American Cheddar, but also suitable for Gouda and Parmesan.
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F-ES i482\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i483\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CR-BUTTERY01\10X500U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture contains a nisin producing strain for promotion of bacteria lysis. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses where normally mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. This culture is particularly used in Cheddar, Continental cheeses (rindless cheese), low-fat cheese and cheese containing vegetable fat.
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F-DVS CR-BUTTERY02\10X750U product image
Revolutionize the way to obtain intense buttery flavor without eye formation in Continental cheeses. This culture delivers intense buttery flavor in very young Continental cheeses. It is designed for flavor development at low temperature; hence the intense buttery flavor is developed at 5°C in foiled ripened cheeses.
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F-ES i484\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-ES i485\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
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F-DVS CR-MATURE01\10X500U product image
A defined adjunct culture blend which enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. It enhances the balanced, mellow, rounded and clean flavors and suppresses unwanted flavors like sour, bitter and flat. The culture contains a nisin producing strain for promotion of bacteria lysis. Some strains are facultative heterofermentative and may produce CO2 in specific conditions.
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F-DVS DSG-2000-10\10X500U product image
Mesophilic eXact® culture, type L. The culture produces diacetyl flavor and a medium level of CO2. DSG 2000 cultures can be used in any cultured dairy product where a balanced acid and diacetyl flavor is desired. These cultures are formulated to produce a shorter make time without compromising flavor. DSG 2000 cultures are ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Sour cream
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Chr. Hansen’s Thermoflex Starter Media is a balanced, whey based starter medium. Thermoflex Starter Media provides a high quality starter with optimum activity and phage protection. Can be used in the production of Italian cheese varieties (Mozzarella, Parmesan, Provolone, Romano, etc.).
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F-DVS DSG-2000-40\10X500U product image
Mesophilic eXact® culture, type L. The culture produces diacetyl flavor and a medium level of CO2. Usage DSG 2000 cultures can be used in any cultured dairy product where a balanced acid and diacetyl flavor is desired. These cultures are formulated to produce a shorter make time without compromising flavor. DSG 2000 cultures are ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Sour cream
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F-DVS DSG-2000-70\10X500U product image
Mesophilic eXact® culture, type L. The culture produces diacetyl flavor and a medium level of CO2. Usage DSG 2000 cultures can be used in any cultured dairy product where a balanced acid and diacetyl flavor is desired. These cultures are formulated to produce a shorter make time without compromising flavor. DSG 2000 cultures are ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Sour cream
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F-DVS KFP R-604\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The DVS® KFP range represents Kosher for Passover approved cultures. The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS KFP R-608\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The DVS® KFP range represents Kosher for Passover approved cultures.
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F-DVS DSG-2000-80\10X500U product image
Mesophilic eXact® culture, type L. The culture produces diacetyl flavor and a medium level of CO2. Usage DSG 2000 cultures can be used in any cultured dairy product where a balanced acid and diacetyl flavor is desired. These cultures are formulated to produce a shorter make time without compromising flavor. DSG 2000 cultures are ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Sour cream
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F-DVS DSG-2000-90\10X500U product image
Mesophilic eXact® culture, type L. The culture produces diacetyl flavor and a medium level of CO2. Usage DSG 2000 cultures can be used in any cultured dairy product where a balanced acid and diacetyl flavor is desired. These cultures are formulated to produce a shorter make time without compromising flavor. DSG 2000 cultures are ideal for manufacturing
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F-ES A3040\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A3050\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
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F-ES A3050\6X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The EASY-SET® A3000 program provides an unparallelled performance consistency between culture rotations. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Cheddar, Colby and Monterey Jack cheese.
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F-ES A3060\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative). T
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F-DVS DSG-FLVR 1\16X250U product image
Mesophilic adjunct aromatic eXact® culture, type LD. The culture increases diacetyl flavor and CO2. Usage DSG FLVR is designed to be used as a flavor adjunct culture with DSG cultures to produce a highly flavored end product. The culture is ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Crème fraiche/Sour cream - Cream cheese
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F-DVS DSG-FLVR 2\16X250U product image
Mesophilic adjunct aromatic eXact® culture, type LD. The culture increases diacetyl flavor and CO2. Usage DSG FLVR is designed to be used as a flavor adjunct culture with DSG cultures to produce a highly flavored end product. The culture is ideal for manufacturing the following products: - Buttermilk - Crème fraiche/Sour cream - Cream cheese
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F-DVS DSG-HB\16X250U product image
Mesophilic adjunct eXact® culture, type O. The culture increases texture but not diacetyl flavor or CO2. DSG-HB or HB-3 is used in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. CHN-cultures, the XT-series or the DSG-2000-series. The culture does not contain flavor producing bacteria and should not be used alone. HB-3 is ideal for achieving increased viscosity in buttermilk used for dressings and baking, as well as for regular and reduced fat sour cream products and thick milk products.
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F-ES A3070\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The EASY-SET® A3000 program provides an unparallelled performance consistency between culture rotations.
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F-ES A3080\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully composed to provide fast lactic acid production, extreme phage robustness and traditional (mesophilic) Cheddar flavor and texture development without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The EASY-SET® A3000 program provides an unparallelled performance consistency between culture rotations.
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F-DVS KFP STC-8\10X500U product image
Thermophilic culture of defined single strain with long history of safe use. Kosher Dairy Incl. Passover. The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus. The culture is Kosher approved for year round use including Passover.
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F-DVS L. casei 431®\10X500g product image
Mesophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is a defined single strain and has a long history of safe use. Clinical documentation on possible health benefits are available upon request. L. casei 431® is a registred trademark of Chr. Hansen. L. casei 431® is also known as CRL-431. The culture is used in the production of probiotic milk products. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as Bifidobacterium, L. acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and yogurt cultures. A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products
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F-DVS L. casei-01\10X500g product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is a defined single strain with a long history of safe use. The culture is used in the production of probiotic milk products. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as Bifidobacterium, L. acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and yogurt cultures. A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products.
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Thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is a defined single strain and has a long history of safe use. Clinical documentation on possible health benefits are available upon request. L. CASEI 431® is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. L. CASEI 431® is also known as CRL-431.
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F-DVS LA-5®\10X500U product image
The culture is a defined single strain selected from Chr. Hansens's culture collection. The strain has a long history of safe use and clinical documentation on possible heath benefits are available upon request. LA-5® is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. The culture is primarily used in production of probiotic milk products. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as Bifidobacterium, yogurt cultures and mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD). A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products.
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F-DVS LA-K\10X500g product image
Thermophilic culture of defined single strain with long history of safe use. The culture is primarily used in production of probiotic milk products. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, such as Bifidobacterium, yogurt cultures and mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD).
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F-DVS LB-12\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is primarily applied in the production of yogurt and other fermented milk products. The culture is normally applied in combination with Yo-Flex® or nu-trish® cultures. The culture can also be used in production of Italian cheese varieties together with other lactic cultures e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus.
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F-DVS LB-12\16X250U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is primarily applied in the production of yogurt and other fermented milk products. The culture is normally applied in combination with Yo-Flex® or nu-trish® cultures. The culture can also be used in production of Italian cheese varieties together with other lactic cultures e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus.
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F-DVS LH-32\16X250U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes, and especially nutty flavor. The culture is primary applied in the production of Italian and Swiss cheese varieties. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic cultures, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD culture.
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F-DVS LH-B01\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. The culture is primary applied in the production of Italian and Swiss cheese varieties. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic cultures, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD culture.
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F-DVS LH-B02\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. The culture is primary applied in the production of Italian and Swiss cheese varieties. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic cultures, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD culture.
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F-DVS LH-B03\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture enhances the overall flavor intensity of the cheese by accentuating important flavor notes. The culture is primarily applied in the production of pizza cheese as well as Italian and Swiss cheese varieties. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic cultures, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD culture.
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F-DVS MO-1\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2.
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F-DVS MO-2\10X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2.
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F-DVS MO-3\14X500U product image
Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O. This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. This culture does not produce CO2.
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F-DVS Nu-Trish a/B™\10X500g product image
Thermophilic culture. The culture contains the documented probiotic strains BB-12® and LA-5®. The strains have a long history of safe use and clinical documentation on possible heath benefits are available upon request. Likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin. The culture is primarily used in production of probiotic dairy products such as fermented milk (yogurt, butter milk). The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures such as yogurt or mesophilic aromatic cultures (type LD). A HACCP risk assessment has been carried out for fermented dairy products. For all other applications a risk assessment should be completed before the product is released for sale as food safety hazards will differ from fermented products.
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Thermophilic culture. The culture contains the documented probiotic strains BB-12 ® and LA-5®. The strains have a long history of safe use and clinical documentation on possible heath benefits are avaliable upon request. Likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin.
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F-DVS nu-trish® BGY-Premium 3.0\15X200U product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. Contains the documented probiotic strains BB-12® and LGG®. The strains have a long history of safe use, and substantial clinical documentation on possible health benefits is available upon request. Likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin. BB-12® and LGG® are registered trademarks of Chr. Hansen. The culture will produce probiotic fermented milk with mild flavor, extra high viscosity and low post-acidification. Suitable for stirred and set probiotic fermented milk.
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F-DVS Premium 3.0 PLUS\12X500U product image
Thermophilic YoFlex® culture. The culture will produce yogurt with mild flavor, high viscosity and low post-acidification. Suitable for cup set and stirred yogurt. Please note Thisproductshouldnotbereferredtoas“probiotic”,asthestrainsand/orlevelsofbacteriainthisproductdonotliveup to the requirements for clinical documentation for health benefits. If probiotics are required, we recommend products from Chr.Hansen’s nu-rish range, which contain adequate levels o fChrHansen's documented probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG®, Bifidobacterium BB-12®, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5® and Lactobacillus L. casei 431®.
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F-DVS PROP ACID PS-4\10X500U product image
Selected propionic acid bacteria culture.The culture is primarily used for the production of Swiss-type cheeses, such as Emmental, Gruyère, Greve and similar types where the typical propionic acid aroma and eye formation are desired. The culture is normally applied in combination with lactic cultures, such as Streptococcus thermophilus , Lactobacillus helveticus , Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD cultures. The culture ferments lactate resulting in the formation of propionic and acetic acids and large amounts of carbon dioxide. Propionic acid cultures grow slowly in milk and have a low proteolytic activity.
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F-DVS PS-60\20X500U product image
Selected propionic acid bacteria culture, highly concentrated. The culture is primarily used for the production of Swiss-type cheeses, such as Emmental, Gruyère, Greve and similar types where the typical propionic acid aroma and eye formation are desired. The culture is normally applied in combination with lactic cultures, such as Streptococcus thermophilus , Lactobacillus helveticus , Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and LD cultures. The culture ferments lactate resulting in the formation of propionic and acetic acids and large amounts of carbon dioxide. Propionic acid cultures grow slowly in milk and have a low proteolytic activity.
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F-DVS Pure Appeal™ 01\10X500U product image
As the global demand for pizza continues to rise, the ability to control browning becomes a key priority. Pure Appeal™ 01 is an adjunct culture blend designed for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their ability to metabolize galactose with low risk to proteolytic activity, ultimately allowing manufacturers the flexibility to leverage their preferred acidification programs into predictable browning control with up to 100% reduction in browning and blister formation. Pure Appeal™ 01 was developed to assist Pasta Filata manufacturers capture markets seeking pizza cheese capable of performing under high temperature/short baking times, thus allowing pizzerias to reduce customer wait time. In addition, Pure Appeal™ has the ability to suppress yeast and mold throughout the supply chain, protecting product from time of manufacture, through the conversion process, and delivery to the intended end user. Take control of browning and quality for pure pizza appeal.
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F-DVS R-603\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
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F-DVS R-604\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS R-607\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS R-608\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS RSF-636\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor contribution without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS RSF-925\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor contribution without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS RSF-940\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor contribution without any CO2 production homofermentative). The culture is primarily applied in the production of semi-hard, hard and very hard pressed cheeses with a closed texture and a min. cooking temperature at 35°C (95°F). Examples of applications include Cheddar, Cheshire, Colby, Monterey Jack, Munster, Fontal, Raclette and Saint Paulin.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS RSF-945\10X500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor contribution without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS RSF-950\10x500U product image
This Chr. Hansen DVS® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The culture provides fast lactic acid production, high phage robustness and a profound flavor contribution without any CO2 production (homofermentative)
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS SDMB-4\10X500U product image
Mesophilic Aromatic Culture, type D. The culture produces aroma and CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses (stabilized soft cheeses, specialties) and fermented milk. The culture can be used alone or more frequently in combination with mesophilic or SSC cultures to enhance the milky and fresh taste.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS SDMB-6\10X500U product image
Mesophilic Aromatic Culture, type D. The culture produces aroma and CO2. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses (stabilized soft cheeses, specialties) and fermented milk. The culture can be used alone or more frequently in combination with mesophilic or SSC cultures to enhance the milky and fresh taste.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS SDMB-8\10X500U product image
Mesophilic aromatic culture, type D. The culture produces flavor and CO2 and is selected for the phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses (stabilized soft cheeses, specialties) and fermented milk. The culture can be used alone or more frequently in combination with mesophilic or SSC cultures to enhance the milky and fresh taste.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.1\5x1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.1\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.2\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.2\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.3\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.3\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.4\5X1000U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sinergia 1.4\8X500U product image
Very high active thermophilic culture blend for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are specially selected for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly. The culture also shows increased cheese yield capabilities. The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS SOFT MILD 1-01\12X500U product image
Thermophilic lactic acid cultures. This Chr. Hansen culture system provides thermophilic defined strains for continuous Direct Vat Set (DVS®) use by rotation. The cultures are selected for their moderate lactic acid production and low post-acidification. The culture is primarily applied as starter culture for production of soft cheeses where low post acidification is required (e.g. stabilized and modern style Brie and Camembert). The cultures provide mild milky flavor and creamy texture. They can be used alone or in combination with aromatic starters and/or surface ripening cultures for further differentiation of flavor, texture and appearance.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS SOFT MILD 1-02\12X500U product image
Thermophilic lactic acid cultures. This Chr. Hansen culture system provides thermophilic defined strains for continuous Direct Vat Set (DVS®) use by rotation. The cultures are selected for their moderate lactic acid production and low post-acidification. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses where low post acidification is required, e.g. stabilized soft cheeses (Argentinean Port Salut, Brie, Crescenza) and modern Camembert types. SSC cultures can be used alone (stabilized cheeses) or in combination with Mesophilic aromatic cultures (LD types).
Documents Up to Date
Thermophilic lactic acid cultures. This Chr. Hansen culture system provides thermophilic defined strains for continuous Direct Vat Set (DVS®) use by rotation. The cultures are selected for their moderate lactic acid production and low post-acidification. The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses where low post acidification is required, e.g. stabilized soft cheeses (Argentinean Port Salut, Brie, Crescenza) and modern Camembert types. SSC cultures can be used alone (stabilized cheeses) or in combination with Mesophilic aromatic cultures (LD types)
Documents Up to Date
Defined thermophilic culture blend with improved resistance to bacteriophages. The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS STI-07\10X500U product image
Defined thermophilic culture blend with improved resistance to bacteriophages. The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types. The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus. Recommended inoculation
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Sweety® Y-1\10X500U product image
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Vega™ Boost PA\16X250U product image
Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture. Designed to be used as an adjunct, in combination with a Vega™ starter or probiotic culture, in production of the fermented plant-based alternatives. Vega™ Boost PA has been carefully selected for its potential to improve acidification time, and has effect on taste and flavor. The effect is base dependent and cannot be generalized. The culture can be used as a single adjunct culture, or combined with other Vega™ Boost cultures.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Vega™ Harmony\10x500U (was YoFlex® YF-L02 DA) product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. This culture has been produced without the use of dairy derived ingredients in any part of the production steps. The culture is manufactured in an environment where dairy ingredients are handled. However, the process equipment is cleaned according to our GMP standard before production of this culture. The culture is used in the production of drinking, stirred or set fermented products made from dairy alternatives.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Vega™ nu-trish® BB-12®\10x500G (was nu-trish® BB-12® DA) product image
Thermophilic lactic acid culture. The culture is a defined single strain with a long history of safe use. Substantial clinical documentation on possible health benefits are avaliable upon request and likewise are certificates of identification and certificates of safety and origin. BB-12® is a registred trademark of Chr. Hansen. This culture has been produced without the use of dairy derived ingredients in any part of the production steps. The culture is manufactured in an environment where dairy ingredients are handled. However, the process equipment is cleaned according to our GMP standard before production of this culture.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Yo-Fast 10\20X250U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yogurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yogurt.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Yo-Fast 12\16X250U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yoghurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yoghurt.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Yo-Fast 16\10X500U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yoghurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yogurt.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Yo-Fast 20\16X250U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yoghurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yoghurt.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS Yo-Fast 21\20X250U product image
The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yogurt with unique flavor and body characteristics. The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification. Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yogurt.
Documents Up to Date
F-DVS EMFOUR\10X500U product image
Thermophilic homofermentative culture blend. In 1984 it was selected by Dutch cheesemakers as the most effective thermophilic culture for accelerating ripening in Dutch cheeses. The culture significantly enhances mature and nutty flavor notes, and there is a tendency towards sweet, sour and salt tastes, too. The body of the cheese is also enhanced by the use of EMFOUR. The culture can reduce the ripening time by several weeks depending on the type of cheese, storage temperature and desired flavor. EMFOUR is primarily applied in the production of cheese where mesophilic lactic acid bacteria cultures are used. The culture can be applied in cheddar and maasdamm cheeses without restriction. For application in Continental cheeses, please contact your CH Sales Representative.
Documents Up to Date
YieldMAX® \5Gal product image
YieldMAX® is a standardized solution of a Fusarium venenatum phospholipase produced by submerged fermentation with an Aspergillus oryzae strain. The role of this product is to optimize the clotting process, increasing cheese yield by improving the emulsification properties of phospholipids in cheese milk. The formula is free of artificial preservatives.
Documents Up to Date
F-ES A910\5X1000U product image
This Chr. Hansen EASY-SET® culture contains defined mesophilic and thermophilic strains and is for continuous direct vat set use. The strains are carefully selected to provide fast lactic acid production and high phage robustness without any CO2 production (homofermentative).
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Sundsnaes 10-18 6300 Graasten Graasten, Denmark 6300 DNK
Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Jernholmen 1-27 Hvidovre, Denmark 2650 DNK
Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Giessener Str. 94 Pohlheim, N/A D-35415 DEU
Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Le Moulin d'Aulnay BP64 91292 Arpajon Cedex, France BP64 FRA
Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) 9015 W. Maple Street Milwaukee, WI 53222 USA
Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures 9015 W. Maple Street Milwakee, WI 53214 USA
Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes 16300 W. Lincoln Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes --
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures --
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media 2022_HACCP Flow Chart_ret27SEP24jm.pdf 9/27/2024 9/27/2027
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes 2023-FSSC_22000_Kalundborg_LEPRINO.pdf 1/26/2023 5/11/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes 2024_FSSC Audit Report for Leprino 6-10-24.pdf 1/18/2024 1/27/2027
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 3/12/2025 3/12/2027
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Allergen Control Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Allergen_Management_EN_03OCT24.pdf 3/12/2025 3/12/2027
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Compliance Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Compliance Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Compliance Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes California-Transparency-in-Supply-Chain-Act-Statement_09JAN24jm.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes CH_DK_Avedoere-Copenhagen_DK018670 -1 certificate V6_22NOV24-22NOV27.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures CH_DK_Avedoere-Copenhagen_DK018670 -1 certificate V6_22NOV24-22NOV27.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2027
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures CH_DK_Avedoere-Copenhagen_DK018670 -1 certificate V6_22NOV24-22NOV27.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes CH_DK_Avedoere-Copenhagen_DK018670 -1 certificate V6_22NOV24-22NOV27.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2027
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes CH_DK_Graasten_FSSC 22000 certificate_13MAY24-15JUN27.pdf 5/13/2024 6/15/2027
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures CH_FR_Arpajon_DK017013-1 UKAS FSSC certificate 04AUG23-21SEP26.pdf 8/4/2023 9/21/2026
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) CH_US_Milwaukee_DK015842-2 UKAS FSSC 5.1 certificate 11SEP23-16AUG25.pdf 9/11/2023 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CH_US_Milwaukee_DK018717-1_FSSC 22000 certificate_11NOV24-16AUG25.pdf 11/11/2024 8/16/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen France FSSC V6 FINAL 220824_Redacted_15-16MAY24.pdf 8/22/2024 4/23/2027
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen France FSSC V6 FINAL 220824_Redacted_15-16MAY24.pdf 5/16/2024 9/21/2026
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen France FSSC V6 FINAL 220824_Redacted_15-16MAY24.pdf 5/16/2024 9/21/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen France SAS FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 1.4 FINAL_Redacted.pdf 6/9/2023 9/21/2026
Audit report Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen France SAS FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 1.4 FINAL_Redacted.pdf 8/4/2023 9/21/2026
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CHR Hansen Milwaukee_FSSC 22000 Audit Report V6_Redacted_28-29AUG24.pdf 8/29/2024 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CHR Hansen Milwaukee_FSSC 22000 Audit Report V6_Redacted_28-29AUG24.pdf 8/29/2024 8/16/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CHR Hansen Milwaukee_FSSC 22000 Audit Report V6_Redacted_28-29AUG24.pdf 11/11/2024 8/16/2025
W-9 Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr Hansen W9 2024 2.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2026
W-9 Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Chr Hansen W9 2024 2.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2026
W-9 Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr Hansen W9 2024 2.pdf 1/23/2024 1/22/2027
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr Hansen_Avedoere FSSC 22000-V6_FINAL_Redacted_23-26SEP24.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2027
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr Hansen_Avedoere FSSC 22000-V6_FINAL_Redacted_23-26SEP24.pdf 9/26/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr Hansen_Avedoere FSSC 22000-V6_FINAL_Redacted_23-26SEP24.pdf 9/26/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr Hansen_Avedoere FSSC 22000-V6_FINAL_Redacted_23-26SEP24.pdf 9/26/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr Hansen_Avedoere FSSC 22000-V6_FINAL_Redacted_23-26SEP24.pdf 9/26/2024 11/22/2027
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Chr. Hansen Milwaukee FSSC 22000 Audit Report_Redacted_17-18JUL23.pdf 7/18/2023 8/16/2025
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen New Berlin_FSSC 22000 Audit Report V6_Redacted_26-27AUG24.pdf 11/5/2024 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen New Berlin_FSSC 22000 Audit Report V6_Redacted_26-27AUG24.pdf 8/27/2024 8/16/2025
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Contracts Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Contracts Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/21/2026
Contracts Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_22JAN24.pdf 1/22/2024 1/22/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Supplier Contact Verification Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Chr. Hansen_Contact Information_Recall_Emergency_24JAN25.pdf 1/24/2025 1/24/2026
Insurance Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CoI_KanPak_ Inc._5978707_1.pdf 5/1/2024 5/31/2025
Insurance Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) CoI_Prairie Farms Dairy.pdf 5/1/2024 5/1/2025
Sanitation Validation Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Sanitation Validation Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Chemical Contaminants Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Chemical Contaminants Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Chemical Contaminants Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Sanitation Validation Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Chemical Contaminants Policy Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Sanitation Validation Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Chemical Contaminants Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
Sanitation Validation Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Compliance to Quality, GMPs & Food Safety Principles_EN_21AUG24.pdf 8/12/2024 8/12/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Contact Information_recall_emergency_07MAR25.pdf 3/12/2025 3/12/2026
Supplier Profile column A B C Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures CoO_April 2024.pdf 4/5/2024 4/5/2025
Food Fraud Mitigation Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Program Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/13/2023 8/12/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Mitigation Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Mitigation Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/13/2023 8/12/2025
Food Fraud Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/13/2023 8/12/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2026
Food Fraud Mitigation Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Mitigation Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/18/2023 8/17/2025
Food Fraud Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/13/2023 8/12/2025
Food Fraud Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Food_quality_safety_security_programs_FCE_EN.pdf 8/13/2023 8/12/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media FSC 22000_T&L SYC_04OCT2023_EXP31MAY2025.pdf 10/4/2023 5/31/2025
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes FSSC 22000 _Full Audit Report_USA New Berlin_Redacted_10-11OCT2023.pdf 10/11/2023 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 - Gråsten Final_Redacted_18-20MAR24.pdf 3/20/2024 6/15/2027
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 - Gråsten Final_Redacted_18-20MAR24.pdf 3/20/2024 6/15/2027
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 - Gråsten Final_Redacted_18-20MAR24.pdf 3/20/2024 6/15/2027
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes FSSC 22000 Audit report V5.1 - Gråsten Final_Redacted_18-20MAR24.pdf 5/13/2024 6/15/2027
Audit report Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes FSSC 22000 Full Audit report V5.1._Graasten_reedacted_28,29MAR22.pdf 3/29/2022 6/14/2024
Audit report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures FSSC 22000_Full Audit Report_USA_Milwaukee_Cultures_V5.1_Redacted_26,27MAY22.pdf 5/27/2022 8/16/2025
Audit report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes FSSC 22000_Full Audit report_USA_New Berlin_V5.1_redacted_23,24,25MAY22.pdf 5/25/2022 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes FSSC 22000_Novozymes_DK_Issued 060324-exp110527.pdf 6/3/2024 11/5/2027
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media FSSC_T&L_SYC_20231004_EXP20250531.pdf 10/4/2023 5/31/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media FSSC_T&L_SYC_20231004_EXP20250531.pdf 10/4/2023 5/31/2025
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures FSSC22000 Cert_Milwaukee_Cultures_V5_06272022_exp 16AUG25.pdf 6/27/2022 8/16/2025
GFSI Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes FSSC22000 Cert_New Berlin_Enzymes_V5.1_081722_exp16AUG25.pdf 6/28/2022 8/16/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures FSSC22000 v5.1 certifcate Arpajon France of 04-08-2023 to 21-09-2026.pdf 8/4/2023 9/21/2026
Business Continuity Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Global Supply and contingency of Enzymes_EN_ret31JAN2025jm.pdf 1/31/2025 1/31/2026
Business Continuity Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Global Supply and contingency of Enzymes_EN_ret31JAN2025jm.pdf 1/31/2025 1/31/2026
Business Continuity Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Global supply and contingency of food cultures_EN_ret27SEP24jm.pdf 9/27/2024 9/27/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media HACCP Flow Diagrams Rev 11 - Process A and E_2024.pdf 7/23/2024 7/23/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media HACCP Plan-Facility_SCS_Self-AssessmentSurvey_11JUN24.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Arpajon.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Arpajon.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Arpajon.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Avedoere.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Avedoere.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Graasten.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Graasten.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
Food Safety Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_Graasten_ret27AUG24jm.pdf 8/27/2024 8/27/2025
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_New Berlin.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_New Berlin.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_New Berlin.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_New Berlin.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
Food Safety Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_New Berlin_ret27AUG24jm.pdf 8/27/2024 8/27/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_West Allis.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
HACCP Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_West Allis.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2026
GFSI Corrective Action Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_West Allis.pdf 9/19/2023 9/18/2025
Food Safety Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_FCE_West Allis_ret27AUG24jm.pdf 8/27/2024 8/27/2025
Environmental Sampling Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes HACCP_Food Safety Plan Summary_New Berlin Facility Enzymes 20MAY22 - v4.pdf 5/20/2022 5/19/2024
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Letter of Guaranty Canada - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
DFA Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
DFA Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
DFA Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
DFA Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
DFA Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2024.pdf 1/1/2024 12/31/2025
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 1/1/2027
Continuing Supplier Agreement to Food Safety Expectations - Doc 2 Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 1/1/2028
Continuing Guarantee (Hood) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 12/31/2029
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2027
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 1/1/2027
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2027
Continuing Guarantee (Hood) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 12/31/2029
Letter of Guarantee Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 1/1/2027
Continuing Guarantee (Hood) Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 12/31/2029
Continuing Guarantee (Hood) Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Letter of Guaranty USA - Chr. Hansen, Inc 2025.pdf 1/1/2025 12/31/2029
Lot Code Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Guide Information Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Guide Information Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Guide Information Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Guide Information Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Guide Information Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Lot Code Explanation Food Cultures and Enzymes_05JAN23.pdf 1/5/2023 1/4/2026
Lot Code Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Lot Code Explanation_Starter Media_LaCrosse_2022.pdf 12/13/2022 12/12/2025
Lot Code Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media Lot Code Explanation_Starter Media_Tate&Lyle_2023.pdf 11/13/2023 11/12/2026
Compliance to CFIA Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_Bacterial Cultures Use_US_EN.pdf 9/7/2022 9/6/2024
Compliance to CFIA Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_Bacterial Cultures Use_US_EN.pdf 9/7/2022 9/6/2024
Compliance to CFIA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_Bacterial Cultures Use_US_EN.pdf 9/7/2022 9/6/2024
Compliance to CFIA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_Bacterial Cultures Use_US_EN.pdf 9/7/2022 9/6/2024
Compliance to CFIA Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NAM_Bacterial Cultures Use_US_EN_ret20AUG24jm.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2026
CTPAT Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2024
CTPAT Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2024 5/15/2025
CTPAT Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2024
CTPAT Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2024
CTPAT Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2023 5/14/2024
CTPAT Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_CTPAT Program_US_EN.pdf 5/15/2024 5/15/2025
Bioterrorism/FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism/FDA Registration Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
Bioterrorism/FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/24/2024 10/24/2026
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN.pdf 10/30/2022 12/31/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NAM_FDA Facility Registration Confirmation_US_EN_13JAN25.pdf 1/13/2025 12/31/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2026
FSMA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2027
Foreign Supplier Verification Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2027
FSMA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2025
FSMA Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2027
FSMA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2027
Foreign Supplier Verification Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2027
FSMA Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NAM_FDA Food Safety Modernization Act_FC&E_US_EN.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
Animal Welfare Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NotApplicable_AnimalWelfarePolicy.pdf 7/24/2024 7/24/2025
Animal Welfare Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NotApplicable_AnimalWelfarePolicy.pdf 7/24/2024 7/24/2025
Animal Welfare Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NotApplicable_AnimalWelfarePolicy.pdf 7/24/2024 7/24/2025
Annual Acknowledgement- Cheese & NonCheese Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NotApplicable_AnnualAcknowledgementCheeseNonCheese.pdf 9/28/2023 9/27/2024
Contracts Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NotApplicable_Contracts.pdf 6/6/2023 6/6/2024
DNUL - Signed Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NotApplicable_DNULSigned.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
DNUL - Signed Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NotApplicable_DNULSigned.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
DNUL - Signed Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NotApplicable_DNULSigned.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
DNUL - Signed Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NotApplicable_DNULSigned.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
DNUL - Signed Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NotApplicable_DNULSigned.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
FSMA Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Tate & Lyle, USA) - Starter Media NotApplicable_FSMA.pdf 2/5/2025 2/5/2026
GFSI Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 12/9/2024 12/9/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 10/18/2023 10/17/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2027
SQF Quality Code Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) NotApplicable_SQFQualityCodeReport.pdf 1/27/2025 1/27/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaireAddendum.pdf 12/10/2024 12/10/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaireAddendum.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaireAddendum.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures NotApplicable_SupplierQuestionnaireAddendum.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel1.pdf 6/6/2023 6/5/2026
Sustainability (Level 2) Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures NotApplicable_SustainabilityLevel2.pdf 6/6/2023 6/5/2026
Insurance Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Novonesis (CHR Hansen Inc - Chobani) USD 7m.pdf 5/1/2024 5/23/2025
Insurance Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Novonesis (CHR Hansen Inc - Chobani) USD 7m.pdf 5/1/2024 5/23/2025
Insurance Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Novonesis (CHR Hansen Inc - Chobani) USD 7m.pdf 5/1/2024 5/23/2025
Insurance Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Novonesis (CHR Hansen Inc - Chobani) USD 7m.pdf 5/1/2024 5/23/2025
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Novozymes_FDA Bienniel registration_16AUG23.pdf 8/16/2023 8/16/2025
Organizational Chart Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Org Chart Leadership Team_17DEC24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
Organizational Chart Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Org Chart Leadership Team_17DEC24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
Organizational Chart Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Org Chart Leadership Team_17DEC24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
Organizational Chart Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Org Chart Leadership Team_17DEC24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
Organizational Chart Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Org Chart Leadership Team_17DEC24.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
FDA Registration Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media PAK Technologies FDA Registration Number.docx 10/18/2023 10/18/2024
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Sampling Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Sampling Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Monitoring Program Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Program Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2025
Environmental Sampling Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Pathogenic Monitoring Program_MFC_EN_17SEP24.pdf 9/17/2024 9/17/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures PFAS_FCE_EN_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes PFAS_FCE_EN_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes PFAS_FCE_EN_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures PFAS_FCE_EN_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures PFAS_FCE_EN_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Policy - Business Integrity 2021.pdf 9/29/2021 9/29/2023
Ethical Code of Conduct Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Policy - Business Integrity.pdf 10/14/2021 10/14/2023
Ethical Code of Conduct Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Policy-Business-Integrity_ret14SEP23jam.pdf 9/14/2023 9/13/2025
Ethical Code of Conduct Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Policy-Business-Integrity_ret14SEP23jam.pdf 9/14/2023 9/13/2025
CA Transparency Act Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Position-Modern-Slavery-and-Human-Trafficking_22JAN24.pdf 2/5/2025 2/5/2027
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Environmental Policy Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Position-Sustainability_ret22NOV24jm.pdf 11/22/2024 11/22/2025
Change Notification Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Product or Process Change Notification_MFC_EN_21JUL23.pdf 7/21/2023 7/20/2024
Change Notification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Product or Process Change Notification_MFC_EN_21JUL23.pdf 7/21/2023 7/20/2024
Change Notification Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Product or Process Change Notification_MFC_EN_21JUL23.pdf 7/21/2023 7/20/2024
Change Notification Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Product or Process Change Notification_MFC_EN_21JUL23.pdf 7/21/2023 7/20/2024
Change Notification Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Product or Process Change Notification_MFC_EN_Ret20JUN25jm.pdf 6/20/2024 6/20/2025
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/6/2025 3/6/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/12/2025 3/12/2026
Distributor's Traceability System Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/30/2023 3/29/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/11/2025 3/11/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Recall_and_traceability_FCE.pdf 3/12/2025 3/12/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Recall_and_traceability_FCE_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
Recall Plan Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Recall_and_traceability_FCE_17FEB25jm.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2026
Insurance Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Saputo Inc Canada.pdf 5/1/2024 5/1/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media SQF CERTIFICATE_Pak Technologies_20DEC23_exp19DEC24.pdf 12/20/2023 12/19/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media SQF Certificate_SCS_C0171721-SQF12 Exp 5.27.25.pdf 4/16/2024 5/27/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media SQF_Pak Tech-Nov2023_exp19DEC24.pdf 11/1/2023 12/19/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media SQF_Pak Tech-Nov2023_exp19DEC24.pdf 11/1/2023 12/19/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media SQF_SCS (Agropur)_Audit Report 2023_13-16MAR23_exp27MAY24.pdf 3/16/2023 5/27/2024
3rd Party Audit Report Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media SQF_SCS_Full Audit & CA 2024_March19-22.pdf 3/22/2024 5/27/2025
Annual Acknowledgement- Cheese & NonCheese Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Supplier Acknowledgement 2023_signed.pdf 7/3/2023 7/2/2024
Annual Acknowledgement- Cheese & NonCheese Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Supplier Acknowledgement 2023_signed.pdf 7/3/2023 7/2/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Corporate,USA) Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Supplier Approval Plan Summary_12NOV24.pdf 11/12/2024 11/12/2025
Supplier Contact Sheet Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Supplier Contact Sheet_SCS_25SEP24.docx 9/25/2024 9/25/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 8/24/2022 8/23/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 8/24/2022 8/23/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 1/27/2025 1/27/2027
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 6/10/2024 6/10/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc (PAK TECHNOLOGIES) - Starter Media Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/17/2025 2/17/2027
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (USA, SELECT CUSTOM SOLUTIONS-formerly Agropur Ingredients) Media Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2027
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 6/10/2024 6/10/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen (Novozymes A/S) - Enzymes Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/14/2025 2/14/2027
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen GmbH (Pohlheim, Germany) - Cultures Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 11/11/2024 11/11/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 6/10/2024 6/10/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/22/2024 2/21/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen SA (Arpajon Cedex, France)-Cultures Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/22/2024 2/21/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2026
Sustainability (Level 1) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 2/22/2024 2/21/2027
Sustainability (Level 1) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 2/22/2024 2/21/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 12/10/2024 12/10/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 11/11/2024 11/11/2027
Vendor Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Graasten, Denmark) Enzymes Vendor Questionnaire - Ver11 - 8.06.24_Graasten_DEC2024.docx 12/5/2024 12/5/2027
Vendor Questionnaire Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures VLQ - Vendor Questionnaire - Ver8 6.24.20 _ Denmark-Hvidovre.docx 9/20/2021 9/19/2024
Vendor Questionnaire Chr. Hansen, Inc. (New Berlin, USA) - Enzymes VLQ - Vendor Questionnaire - Ver8 6.24.20_New Berlin_2022.docx 8/17/2022 8/16/2025
W-9 Chr. Hansen, Inc. (Milwaukee, USA) - Cultures W9 Chr Hansen Inc 2022_AUG03.pdf 8/8/2022 8/7/2025
W-9 Chr. Hansen A/S (Hvidovre, Denmark)-Cultures W9 Chr Hansen Inc 2022_AUG03.pdf 8/8/2022 8/7/2025