
Superb Select® IE Baker’s Margarine (106300)

DESCRIPTION: • An Interesterified (IE) baker’s margarine • Superior roll-in margarine for Danish pastries, flaky dinner rolls or where workable plastic consistency is desired • Excellent for cookies, icings, and fillings • Rich buttery flavor, resists bake out of flavor • As required by 21 CFR 166.110(a)(3) this product contains vitamin A in such quantity that the finished margarine contains not less than 15,000 international units per pound.
Regulatory standards allow use of either of the following ingredient statements: Ingredients: Vegetable oil blend (Interesterified soybean oil, Hydrogenated cottonseed oil), Water, Salt, Mono- and diglycerides, Soy lecithin, Sodium benzoate (preservative), Artificial flavor, Beta carotene (color), Vitamin A palmitate. Ingredients: Vegetable oil blend (Soybean oil, Hydrogenated soybean oil, Hydrogenated cottonseed oil), Water, Salt, Mono- and diglycerides, Soy lecithin, Sodium benzoate (preservative), Artificial flavor, Beta carotene (color), Vitamin A palmitate.
Fat / Oil
Location name Address
Stratas Foods - Quincy, IL 2731 Refinery Rd. Quincy, IL 62305
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Melamine Stratas Foods - Quincy, IL Melamine.pdf 5/10/2022 5/10/2023