
Claddagh Bo Aged Irish Cheddar 200g x 12 (10841)

Pasteurized Cow’s Milk, Salt, Starter Culture, Microbial Rennet
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Ashley Chase Parks Farm/Litton Cheney Dorchester, J6 DT2 9AZ GBR
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Label Sample Ashley Chase 10841 Labels.docx 3/19/2024 3/19/2025
Allergens Ashley Chase Allergens.pdf 3/19/2024 3/19/2026
Product Specification Sheet Ashley Chase Claddagh Bo - QMF 58 Finished PRODUCT Specification Issue 14 200723.docx 12/18/2024 12/18/2027
Country of Origin Ashley Chase Country of Origin.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2028
Item Questionnaire Ashley Chase Item Questionnaire.pdf 1/8/2025 1/8/2028
Halal Ashley Chase NotApplicable_Halal.pdf 3/19/2024 3/19/2025
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Ashley Chase NotApplicable_NationalBioengineeredFoodDisclosureStandardSimplified.pdf 7/27/2021 7/26/2024
Nutrition Ashley Chase Nutrition.pdf 3/3/2022 3/2/2025