Dritex® Plus 940 MB Shortening Flakes (109940)
All purpose, shortening flake for use in biscuits, pizza crusts, flat breads, dry mixes, or in other bakery related
applications, to deliver flaky crusts and/or to disperse fat throughout a dough matrix
Dritex® Plus 940 MB Shortening Flakes offer a steeper melt curve and thus improve the eating experience
compared to 100% palm or fully hydrogenated domestic fats.
Used to control consistency, increase plasticity and provide heat resistance to icings and other products under
varying climate conditions.
The volume of palm oil and palm kernel oil in this product reflects an equivalent volume of oil palm products
produced by RSPO-certified mills and plantations.
Food Ingredient
Location name | Address |
Stratas Foods - Decatur, IL | 3601 E. Divison Street Decatur, IL 62526 |
Type | Location | File name | Effective | Expiration |
Product Specification Sheet | 109940.pdf | 5/31/2023 | 5/30/2026 | |
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement | Vegan Statement 109940.pdf | 10/26/2023 | 10/25/2025 |