
Alfalfa Juice Powder (organic) (805)

Alfalfa Juice Powder (organic) product image
Nutrient-rich young alfalfa grass contains over 300 identified nutrients and phytonutrients. It is especially high in iron, calcium and vitamin C, and a good source of potassium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus and zinc. It is a rich source of the pigment chlorophyll and contains many bioactive compounds like saponins, phytoestrogens, coumarins, alkaloids, phytosterols, terpenes, coumestrol, phenolics, flavonoids and isoflavonoids. Alfalfa is high in provitamin A carotenoids, the majority being xanthophylls like lutein and zeaxanthin. It contains enzymes, including amylase, invertase and pectinase, is low in fat, an excellent source of dietary fiber and a rich source of protein, containing eighteen different amino acids, including eight essential amino acids.* Applications: Functional foods Functional beverages Dietary supplements Pet foods Cosmetics
Organic alfalfa juice powder 100 %
  • Ingredient declaration
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • PHO-free
  • Ready-to-Eat (RTE)
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
Location name Address
Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 15161-15181 S. Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Kosher Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 1-kosher NpNutra Exp 111525.pdf 11/15/2024 11/15/2025
Allergens Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Allergens.pdf 1/29/2021 1/29/2023
CoA Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals CoA Alfalfa Juice Pwd (org) USOG-AJP-805-019L.pdf 9/25/2024 9/25/2026
Country of Origin Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Country of Origin.pdf 2/11/2021 2/11/2024
Item Questionnaire Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Item Questionnaire.pdf 2/11/2021 2/11/2024
Lot Code Nature's Power Nutraceuticals LOT CODE Statement for NP Nutra Products.pdf 9/1/2022 8/31/2025
Organic Nature's Power Nutraceuticals NP Nutra Good Standing.pdf 1/10/2023 1/15/2024
Nutrition Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Nutrition.pdf 10/26/2022 10/25/2025
HACCP Process Flow Diagram Nature's Power Nutraceuticals PFC Alfalfa Juice Pwd org - 805.pdf 1/29/2021 1/29/2023
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SDS Alfalfa Juice Powder (organic) - 805.pdf 9/30/2022 9/29/2024
Product Specification Sheet Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET - Alfalfa Juice Pwd (org) - 805.pdf 4/1/2022 3/31/2025
Suitability Requirements Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Suitability Requirements.pdf 11/13/2021 11/12/2024