
MacaXtra ® (organic) (754)

MacaXtra ® (organic) product image
Dried Maca is rich in complex carbohydrates, including polysaccharides and both soluble and insoluble fiber. It contains linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids as well as several secondary metabolites which are only found in the maca plant; macaridine, macaene, macamides and maca alkaloids. Glucosinolates are also secondary plant metabolites present in maca, which when broken down produce a variety of bioactive compounds, including isothiocyanates and indole products like indole-3-carbinol. Other compounds in maca include flavonoids, quercetin, saponins, tannins and sterols like beta-sitosterol, campesterol, ergosterol, brassicasterol, ergostadienol and stigmasterol. Maca is also a good source of amino acids, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iodine.* Applications: Dietary supplements Tablets/capsules Functional foods Functional beverages Sports Nutrition Health tonic Pet foods
Organic Maca Root 100 %
Location name Address
Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 15161-15181 S. Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
CoA Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals CoA MacaXtra (Org) PEOG-M-754-021P.pdf 1/24/2023 1/23/2025
Halal Nature's Power Nutraceuticals HALAL MacaXtra (org) - 754.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Ingredient Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals INGREDIENT STATEMENT - MacaXtra (org) - 754.pdf 8/7/2024 8/7/2027
Label Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals LABEL MacaXtra (org) - 754.pdf 11/20/2023 11/19/2024
Shelf Life Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET MacaXtra (organic) - 754.pdf 11/21/2023 11/20/2025
Heavy Metal Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET MacaXtra (organic) - 754.pdf 6/22/2023 6/21/2025
Product Specification Sheet Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET MacaXtra (organic) - 754.pdf 6/22/2023 6/21/2026