
MaquiForza® (Freeze Dried Powder, organic) (784)

MaquiForza® (Freeze Dried Powder, organic) product image
Maqui berries are high in dietary fiber, rich in iron, and a good source of vitamin C, calcium and potassium. They are very rich in anthocyanins, the pigments responsible for producing blues, purples and reds in plants, and they contain many other bioactive compounds like delphinidin, malvidin, petunidin, cyanidin, coumarins, triterpenes and flavonoids.* Applications: Dietary supplements Tablets/capsules Functional foods Functional beverages Sports Nutrition Health tonic
Organic Maqui Berry Fruit 100%
  • Gluten-free
  • Ingredient declaration
Location name Address
Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 15161-15181 S. Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Kosher Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 1-kosher NpNutra Exp 111525.pdf 11/15/2024 11/15/2025
Allergens EU/UK Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Allergens EU/UK.pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2024
Allergens Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Allergens.pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2024
BSE - TSE Nature's Power Nutraceuticals BSE TSE MaquiForza - 784.pdf 5/5/2021 5/4/2024
CoA Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals CoA MaquiForza (Freeze Dried Powder, organic) - CLOG5078248V.pdf 5/26/2022 5/25/2024
Country of Origin EU/UK Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Country of Origin EU/UK.pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2025
Country of Origin Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Country of Origin.pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2025
GRAS/NDI/ODI Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals GRAS MaquiForza FD Pwd (Org) - 784.pdf 5/5/2021 5/4/2023
Sewage Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals GUARANTEE - NP Nutra 2024.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
Halal Nature's Power Nutraceuticals HALAL MaquiForza FD Pwd (org) - 784.pdf 8/2/2022 8/1/2023
Ingredient Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals INGREDIENT STATEMENT - MaquiForza FD Pwd (Org) - 784.pdf 8/2/2022 8/2/2023
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified) Nature's Power Nutraceuticals National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Simplified).pdf 8/3/2022 8/2/2025
EtO Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals NON IRR-ETO MaquiForza Pwd (org) - 784.pdf 5/5/2021 5/4/2023
Irradiation Status Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals NON IRR-ETO MaquiForza Pwd (org) - 784.pdf 8/28/2023 8/27/2025
GMO Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Non-GMO MaquiForzaTM (FD Pwd, org) - 784.pdf 5/5/2021 5/5/2023
Nutrition EU/UK Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Nutrition EU/UK.pdf 10/20/2022 10/19/2025
Nutrition Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Nutrition.pdf 10/20/2022 10/19/2025
Organic Nature's Power Nutraceuticals Organic NP Nutra WFCFO Certificate and Addendum Issued Oct 2 2024.pdf 10/2/2024 10/1/2025
Pesticide Nature's Power Nutraceuticals PESTICIDE MaquiForza FD Pwd (Org) - 784.pdf 8/29/2023 8/28/2025
California Prop. 65 Nature's Power Nutraceuticals PROP 65 MaquiForza FD Pwd (org) - 784.pdf 8/23/2023 8/22/2025
Residual Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals RESIDUAL SOLVENT MaquiForza (fd pwd, org) - 784.pdf 8/2/2022 8/2/2023
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SDS MaquiForza (Freeze dried Powder, organic) - 784.pdf 8/2/2022 8/1/2025
Product Specification Sheet Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET MaquiForza - 784.pdf 6/2/2022 6/1/2025
Vegan/Vegetarian Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals VEGAN MaquiForza FD Pwd (org) - 784 .pdf 8/29/2023 8/28/2025
WADA/NSF/NFL Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals WADA MaquiForza Pwd (org) - 784.pdf 5/5/2021 5/4/2023