
Papaya Juice Powder (organic) (888)

Papaya Juice Powder (organic) product image
Papaya fruit is known mostly for the enzyme papain, which assists the digestion of proteins, as well as other enzymes that help the body digest and utilize important nutrients. Papaya is rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A) and flavonoids, as well as folate, potassium, iron, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamins C and E. It is also a good source of dietary fiber. Following our Triple-T Verification® Program specifications, each lot of our organic Papaya Juice Powder (organic) is tested to ensure that the product is both GMO free and free of pesticide residues.* Applications: Functional foods Functional beverages Dietary supplements Cosmetics Pet foods Food coloring
Organic Papaya Juice 70 - 90 % Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin 10 - 30%
Location name Address
Nature's Power Nutraceuticals 15161-15181 S. Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
CoA Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals CoA Papaya Juice Pwd (Org) BROG-PJP-888-021D.pdf 9/16/2024 9/16/2026
Animal Testing Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals GUARANTEE - NP Nutra 2024.pdf 1/9/2024 1/8/2026
Halal Nature's Power Nutraceuticals HALAL Papaya Juice Powder (organic) - 888.pdf 8/9/2023 8/8/2025
Ingredient Statement Nature's Power Nutraceuticals INGREDIENT STATEMENT - Papaya Juice Powder (organic) - 888.pdf 11/17/2023 11/16/2026
Label Sample Nature's Power Nutraceuticals LABEL Papaya Juice Powder (organic) - 888.pdf 7/31/2024 7/31/2025
California Prop. 65 Nature's Power Nutraceuticals PROP 65 Papaya Juice Pwd (org) - 888.pdf 5/20/2024 5/20/2026
Shelf Life Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET Papaya Juice Pwd (Org) - 888.pdf 11/21/2023 11/20/2025
Heavy Metal Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET Papaya Juice Pwd (Org) - 888.pdf 1/24/2023 1/23/2025
Product Specification Sheet Nature's Power Nutraceuticals SPEC SHEET Papaya Juice Pwd (Org) - 888.pdf 1/23/2023 1/22/2026