Saputo Dairy Foods Corporate

Saputo Dairy Foods produces, markets, and distributes a wide array of dairy products of the utmost quality, including extended shelf-life milk and cream products, cultured products and dairy ingredients. We are one of the largest producers of aerosol, ice cream mix, whipping cream, half and half, portion control creamers, specialtymilk, sour cream and cottage cheese.
Documents Up to Date
Location name Address
DECATUR 1611 6TH Ave SE Decatur, AL 35601 USA
FRASER 40236 State Highway 10 Delhi, NY 13753 USA
FRIENDSHIP 6701 Co Rd 20 Friendship, NY 14379 USA
GUSTINE 299 5th Ave Gusitne, CA 95322 USA
Kemps Rockford 1126 Kilburn Ave Rockford, IL 61101 USA
MURRAY 100 Chester St Murray, KY 42071 USA
NEWINGTON 100 Milk Lane Newington, CT 06111 USA
PLANT CITY 3304 Sydney Rd. Plant City, FL 33566 USA
Saputo Canada POCO Plant 1889 Kingsway Ave Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1T1 CAN
SULPHUR SPRINGS 300 Industrial Drive Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 USA
TULARE 605 N J St Tulare, CA 93274 USA
WHITE BEAR LAKE 4041 Hwy 61 N White Bear Lake, MN 55110 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire Kemps Rockford --
Supplier Questionnaire DECATUR --
Supplier Questionnaire FRASER --
Supplier Questionnaire FRASER --
Supplier Questionnaire FRIENDSHIP --
Supplier Questionnaire FRIENDSHIP --
Sustainability (Level 1) FRIENDSHIP --
Supplier Questionnaire GUSTINE --
Supplier Questionnaire MURRAY --
Supplier Questionnaire NEWINGTON --
Supplier Questionnaire NEWINGTON --
Supplier Questionnaire PLANT CITY --
Supplier Questionnaire TULARE --
Supplier Questionnaire TULARE --
Supplier Questionnaire WHITE BEAR LAKE --
Supplier Questionnaire WHITE BEAR LAKE --
Supplier Questionnaire WHITE BEAR LAKE --
Environmental Policy FRIENDSHIP 1.1 - Saputo-Promise-Policy.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2026
Example of product label with pictures SULPHUR SPRINGS 1002718_Label.pdf 6/27/2024 6/27/2025
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement NEWINGTON 2023 BPA and Phthalates Statement for Bag-in-Box Packaging.pdf 10/16/2023 10/15/2025
Environmental Policy TULARE 32 Environmental Monitoring Statement.pdf 11/6/2019 11/5/2020
Environmental Policy DECATUR 32 Environmental Monitoring Statement.pdf 11/6/2019 11/5/2020
Environmental Policy GUSTINE 32 Environmental Monitoring Statement.pdf 11/6/2019 11/5/2020
Environmental Policy WHITE BEAR LAKE 32 Environmental Monitoring Statement.pdf 11/6/2019 11/5/2020
Food Fraud Mitigation NEWINGTON 47 Supplier Approval Policy.pdf 9/2/2022 9/1/2024
Supplier Quality Expectation Manual GUSTINE 47 Supplier Approval Policy.pdf 11/8/2022 11/8/2023
Letter of Guarantee WHITE BEAR LAKE 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Letter of Guarantee SULPHUR SPRINGS 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Letter of Guarantee GUSTINE 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Letter of Guarantee TULARE 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
Letter of Guarantee PLANT CITY 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Letter of Guarantee MURRAY 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Letter of Guarantee DECATUR 7-Eleven - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2017).pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
7-Eleven GIIA WHITE BEAR LAKE 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA SULPHUR SPRINGS 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA NEWINGTON 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 7/8/2024 7/8/2026
7-Eleven GIIA GUSTINE 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA FRIENDSHIP 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 7/8/2024 7/8/2026
7-Eleven GIIA FRASER 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA TULARE 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA PLANT CITY 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA MURRAY 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
7-Eleven GIIA DECATUR 7-Eleven -- Saputo Guaranty Indemnification and Insurance Agreement (9-23-19)-signed.pdf 2/18/2025 2/18/2027
Letter of Guarantee FRASER Agropur Ingredients_Letter of guarantee_October 2022.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2026
Insurance FRASER Agropur Ingredients-LaCrosseWI(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Kosher TULARE All Plants _2025 OU Letter for Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC.pdf 7/25/2024 7/31/2025
Allergen Control Policy FRIENDSHIP Allergen Control_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Allergen statement for each ingredient SULPHUR SPRINGS Allergen Control_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
Allergen Control Policy TULARE Allergen Control_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
Allergen Control Policy WHITE BEAR LAKE Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy SULPHUR SPRINGS Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy PLANT CITY Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy MURRAY Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy GUSTINE Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy DECATUR Allergen Control_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Allergen Control Policy FRASER Allergens_Big 9_1017058_1017059_HP Hood_1.28.25.pdf 1/28/2025 1/28/2027
Allergen Control Policy NEWINGTON ALLERGNCNTROL_HPHOOD 9.10.24.pdf 9/10/2024 9/10/2026
MCT Dairies NDA FRIENDSHIP Allied Dairies (MCT Dairies) NDA 20200608-signed.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2028
Alpine Foods - NDA GUSTINE Alpine Foods NDA_2013.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2031
Alpine Foods - NDA TULARE Alpine Foods NDA_2013.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2030
Agreement to Comply- Ingredients TULARE BC-SQ-30-001 V9 Agreement to Comply 09-20-2021 with Transportation signed Saputo.pdf 12/1/2023 11/30/2025
COA Example per ingredient SULPHUR SPRINGS Blank COA Example.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2026
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement DECATUR BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement FRASER BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement FRIENDSHIP BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement MURRAY BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement PLANT CITY BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement TULARE BPA Statement - 2022.pdf 9/14/2022 9/13/2024
Bakkavor USA Regulatory Communications Letter TULARE BRC 2023-2024 Cert.pdf 10/1/2024 10/1/2025
BSE - TSE FRIENDSHIP BSE_MilkSpecialties 2.1.24.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2027
Business Continuity Plan FRIENDSHIP Business Contingency 2024.pdf 4/9/2024 4/9/2025
Plant License GUSTINE CA - Milk Handler License (3010) 2022 - 2 year - Gustine.pdf 1/1/2023 12/31/2024
CA Transparency Act FRIENDSHIP California Transparency Act Statement 2023 signed.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
CA Transparency Act PLANT CITY California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 3/12/2024 3/12/2026
CA Transparency Act TULARE California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 6/7/2024 6/7/2026
CA Transparency Act GUSTINE California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 6/7/2024 6/7/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct FRIENDSHIP Code of Ethics.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct TULARE Code of Ethics.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct FRASER Code of Ethics.pdf 10/22/2024 10/22/2026
Insurance TULARE COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance WHITE BEAR LAKE COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance SULPHUR SPRINGS COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance PLANT CITY COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance MURRAY COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance GUSTINE COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance DECATUR COI_7-Eleven Inc.-DallasTX(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Alpine Foods - Certificate Of Insurance (COI) TULARE COI_Alpine Food Distributing-MilwaukieOR(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Alpine Foods - Certificate Of Insurance (COI) GUSTINE COI_Alpine Food Distributing-MilwaukieOR(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance FRIENDSHIP COI_Gehl Foods Inc.-GermantownWI(86328).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance NEWINGTON COI_Saputo Dairy Products Canada G.P.-Canada(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Certificate of Insurance FRIENDSHIP COI_Sara Lee Frozen Bakery, LLC-OakbrookTerrIL(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
Insurance Kemps Rockford COI_Ventura Foods, LLC-BreaCA(27844).pdf 11/1/2024 11/1/2025
GFSI Audit Report PLANT CITY CONFIDENTIAL - Saputo Plant City FL - UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Aug2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 9/5/2024 9/13/2025
Supplier Change Notification FRIENDSHIP Cuisine Solutions_Supplier Change Notice_2023.pdf 6/28/2023 6/28/2026
Bakkavor USA Change Management Letter TULARE Customer Change Notfcn_Bakkavor_8.20.2024.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2025
Bakkavor USA Change Management Letter FRIENDSHIP Customer Change Notfcn_Bakkavor_8.20.2024.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate DECATUR Decatur SQF Certificate - Exp 5.1.25.pdf 4/29/2024 5/1/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan DECATUR Decatur SQF Letter, Report, Cert -2.29.24.pdf 2/29/2024 5/1/2025
3rd Party Audit Report DECATUR Decatur SQF Letter, Report, Cert -2.29.24.pdf 2/29/2024 5/1/2025
Supplier Contact Verification DECATUR Decatur_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form_2023.docx 1/26/2023 1/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate FRASER Dehli SQF Certificate - Exp 7.13.25.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
GFSI Certification FRASER Dehli SQF Certificate - Exp 7.13.25.pdf 6/12/2024 3/27/2298
GFSI Certificate FRASER Dehli SQF Certificate - Exp 7.13.25.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan FRASER Dehli SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 5.2.24.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
GFSI Corrective Action FRASER Dehli SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 5.2.24.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
SQF Quality Code Report FRASER Dehli SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 5.2.24.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
3rd Party Audit Report FRASER Dehli SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 5.2.24.pdf 6/12/2024 7/13/2025
Plant License FRASER Delhi_2024-2025 Milk License.pdf 6/1/2024 5/31/2025
CA Transparency Act DECATUR DFA DAIRY BRANDS California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
CA Transparency Act FRASER DFA DAIRY BRANDS California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
CA Transparency Act MURRAY DFA DAIRY BRANDS California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
CA Transparency Act WHITE BEAR LAKE DFA DAIRY BRANDS California Transparency Act Statement 2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
CA Transparency Act NEWINGTON DFA Dairy Foods - California Transparency Act Statement 2023.pdf 7/6/2023 7/5/2025
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program NEWINGTON DFA_Envrmntl Mntring_2023.pdf 6/22/2023 6/21/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) GUSTINE DFA_HACCP_Food Safety Plan_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/23/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement DECATUR DFA_Vendor Supplier Approval_2023.pdf 5/1/2023 4/30/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement NEWINGTON DFA_Vendor Supplier Approval_2023.pdf 8/29/2023 8/28/2024
Food Fraud TULARE Economic Adulteration_Bakkavor_8.16.24.pdf 8/16/2024 8/16/2027
Food Fraud FRIENDSHIP Economic Adulteration_Bakkavor_8.16.24.pdf 8/21/2024 8/21/2027
Recall/Emergency/Contact List FRIENDSHIP Emergency Contact_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List FRASER Emergency Contact_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List TULARE Emergency Contact_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
Recall/Emergency Contact List FRIENDSHIP Emergency Contact_2024_MSG.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2025
Recall/Emergency/Contact List WHITE BEAR LAKE Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List SULPHUR SPRINGS Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List PLANT CITY Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List MURRAY Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List GUSTINE Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List DECATUR Emergency Contact_2025.pdf 2/13/2025 2/13/2026
Environmental Policy PLANT CITY ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING - Simply Good Foods LSDF.pdf 4/15/2022 4/15/2023
Environmental Policy NEWINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING.pdf 8/25/2020 8/25/2021
Environmental Monitoring Program PLANT CITY ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING.pdf 6/1/2023 5/31/2025
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program FRIENDSHIP Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program DECATUR Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program FRASER Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program GUSTINE Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program MURRAY Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program PLANT CITY Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program TULARE Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Environmental Pathogenic Monitoring Program WHITE BEAR LAKE Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
EMP Statement FRASER Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
EMP Statement GUSTINE Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
Environmental Monitoring Policy SULPHUR SPRINGS Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
Pathogenic Environmental Monitoring Program (PEMP) FRIENDSHIP Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 10/8/2024 10/8/2025
Environmental Policy FRASER Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
Environmental Policy MURRAY Envrmntl Mntring_2024.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
Kosher NEWINGTON Facility Approval Kosher Letter 2024.pdf 2/7/2024 2/7/2025
Bioterrorism Letter GUSTINE FDA FACILITY REGISTRATION POLICY 2020.pdf 2/24/2021 2/24/2022
CTPAT FRIENDSHIP FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 2/20/2024 2/19/2025
FDA Registration NEWINGTON FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 4/2/2024 4/2/2026
Bioterrorism Letter FRIENDSHIP FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Bioterrorism Letter TULARE FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 4/10/2024 4/10/2025
Bioterrorism Letter SULPHUR SPRINGS FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
FDA Registration TULARE FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
USDA Registration FRASER FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
USDA Registration MURRAY FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 11/7/2024 11/7/2025
Bioterrorism Letter WHITE BEAR LAKE FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2026
FDA Registration FRASER FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2024.pdf 12/19/2024 12/19/2025
FDA Registration FRIENDSHIP FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2027
FDA Registration WHITE BEAR LAKE FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
FDA Registration SULPHUR SPRINGS FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
FDA Registration PLANT CITY FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
FDA Registration MURRAY FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
FDA Registration GUSTINE FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
FDA Registration DECATUR FDA RegistationRenewal and Bioterrorism_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Food Fraud Mitigation FRIENDSHIP FDFRAUD_DFA 2.16.24.pdf 2/20/2024 2/19/2026
Food Fraud Mitigation GUSTINE FDFRAUD_DFA 2.16.24.pdf 6/25/2024 6/25/2026
Food Fraud Mitigation WHITE BEAR LAKE FDFRAUD_DFA 2.16.24.pdf 6/25/2024 6/25/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement FRIENDSHIP Food Defense Security Prgrm_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement FRASER Food Defense Security Prgrm_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
Food Fraud Program TULARE Food Defense Security Prgrm_2024.pdf 5/9/2024 5/9/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement TULARE Food Defense Security Prgrm_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement NEWINGTON Food Defense Security Prgrm_2024.pdf 9/6/2024 9/6/2026
Food Defense Plan Statement WHITE BEAR LAKE Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement SULPHUR SPRINGS Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement PLANT CITY Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement MURRAY Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement GUSTINE Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Food Defense Plan Statement DECATUR Food Defense Security Prgrm_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
Foreign Supplier Verification Program FRIENDSHIP Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program DECATUR Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program FRASER Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program GUSTINE Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program MURRAY Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program PLANT CITY Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program TULARE Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Supplier Verification Program WHITE BEAR LAKE Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Foreign Material Policy SULPHUR SPRINGS Foreign Material Control_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template GUSTINE Form 6 - NonConformance Saputo Dairy Foods Gustine CA 06-28-23.xlsx 1/8/2024 10/22/2297
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template TULARE Form 6 - NonConformance Saputo Tulare CA 6-8-23.xlsx 1/8/2024 10/22/2297
7-Eleven Vendor Questionnaire FRASER Fraser_ DELHI Vendor Questionnaire 7-ELEVEN STANDARD VQ 092324 11.29.24 TT (2).xlsx 1/29/2025 1/29/2027
Topco FSVP Verification Form FRASER Fraser_2023 FSVP Verification Form.pdf 4/25/2023 4/25/2025
Contact Information FRASER Fraser_ContactInfo_2024.docx 6/10/2024 6/10/2025
Vendor Audit Request Form WHITE BEAR LAKE FRF15-012-03 Audit Request Form.xlsx 4/17/2024 4/17/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF FS Certificate - Exp 2.19.26.pdf 2/3/2025 2/19/2026
GFSI Certificate FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF FS Certificate - Exp 2.19.26.pdf 2/3/2025 2/19/2026
GFSI Survey Addendum FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF FS Certificate - Exp 2.19.26.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 12.11.24.pdf 2/3/2025 2/19/2026
3rd Party Audit Report FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 12.11.24.pdf 2/3/2025 2/19/2026
GFSI Audit Report FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 12.11.24.pdf 2/5/2025 2/19/2026
GFSI Corrective Action FRIENDSHIP Friendship - SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 12.11.24.pdf 2/3/2025 2/19/2026
GFSI Audit Summary FRIENDSHIP Friendship SQF Cert - EXP 2.19.24.pdf 1/20/2023 11/3/2296
Topco FSVP Verification Form FRIENDSHIP Friendship_2023 FSVP Verification Form.pdf 4/25/2023 4/25/2025
Contact Information FRIENDSHIP Friendship_ContactInfo_2024.docx 6/10/2024 6/10/2025
Supplier Contact Verification FRIENDSHIP Friendship_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2024.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2026
State Department Health and Human Service License FRIENDSHIP Friendship_Saputo Cheese License.pdf 6/1/2024 5/31/2025
GFSI Certification FRIENDSHIP Friendship_SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC DUE DEC 2024.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
Allergen (Facility) PLANT CITY FRM-REG-002_v6 Co-Manufacturer's Allergen & Sensitive Ingredient Form.pdf 11/21/2024 11/21/2025
FSMA Compliance TULARE FSMA_Bolthouse 5.10.23cd.pdf 5/10/2024 5/10/2025
FSMA Preventive Controls TULARE FSMA_Bolthouse 5.10.23cd.pdf 5/10/2024 5/10/2025
FSMA Compliance Statement SULPHUR SPRINGS FSMA_Compliance_USM_6.25.24.pdf 6/25/2024 6/25/2026
Topco FSVP Verification Form GUSTINE Gustine 2023 FSVP Verification Form.pdf 4/25/2023 4/25/2025
GFSI Audit Summary GUSTINE Gustine SQF Cert - EXP 6.10.24.pdf 6/7/2023 3/21/2297
Contact Information GUSTINE Gustine_Contact Info_2024.docx 6/25/2024 6/25/2025
Supplier Contact Verification GUSTINE Gustine_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2025.pdf 1/28/2025 1/28/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) NEWINGTON HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2023.pdf 6/26/2023 6/25/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) TULARE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2023.pdf 6/26/2023 6/25/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) WHITE BEAR LAKE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2023.pdf 6/26/2023 6/25/2025
Food Safety Plan TULARE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2023.pdf 12/1/2023 11/30/2024
HACCP Process Flow Diagram (Facility) PLANT CITY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 1/17/2024 1/16/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) NEWINGTON HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 4/2/2024 4/2/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) FRASER HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) FRASER HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 4/18/2024 4/18/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) MURRAY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 4/18/2024 4/18/2027
Food Safety Plan FRIENDSHIP HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) SULPHUR SPRINGS HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) TULARE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2027
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) FRIENDSHIP HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2027
HACCP/HARPC Plan (Facility) FRASER HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
HACCP/HARPC Plan (Facility) GUSTINE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) WHITE BEAR LAKE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2028
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) SULPHUR SPRINGS HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2028
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) GUSTINE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2028
HACCP Plan (Facility) PLANT CITY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) MURRAY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) DECATUR HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2027
HACCP Plan (Facility) FRIENDSHIP HACCP_Food Safety Plan_2025.pdf 2/19/2025 2/19/2027
1D - Evidence of Control Validation FRIENDSHIP HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation GUSTINE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation MURRAY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation NEWINGTON HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation PLANT CITY HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation SULPHUR SPRINGS HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1D - Evidence of Control Validation TULARE HACCP_Food Safety Plan_WalMart_Aug 2023.pdf 8/24/2023 8/26/2024
Continuing Guarantee (Hood) WHITE BEAR LAKE HP Hood - Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement (2018).pdf 5/22/2024 5/21/2029
Recall/Emergency/Contact List NEWINGTON HP Hood_Emergency Contact_2024.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
GFSI Audit Summary TULARE J Street SQF Cert - EXP 5.25.24.pdf 6/2/2023 3/16/2297
DFA Letter of Guarantee DECATUR Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee FRASER Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee GUSTINE Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee MURRAY Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee NEWINGTON Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee PLANT CITY Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee TULARE Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee WHITE BEAR LAKE Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
DFA Letter of Guarantee FRIENDSHIP Letter of Guarantee Dairy Farmers of America Inc (DFA) 20210603.pdf 3/5/2024 3/5/2026
Hold Harmless Agreement FRIENDSHIP LOG KettleCuisine.pdf 5/6/2024 5/6/2025
Letter of Guarantee Kemps Rockford LOG Ventura Foods LLC 2023.pdf 11/14/2024 11/14/2026
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance (Facility) TULARE Mauser Cert_2025.pdf 2/21/2025 2/21/2027
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance (Facility) GUSTINE Mauser Cert_2025.pdf 2/21/2025 2/21/2027
Topco FSVP Verification Form MURRAY Murray 2023 FSVP Verification Form.pdf 4/25/2023 4/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate MURRAY Murray SQF Certificate - Exp 8.26.25.pdf 7/2/2024 8/26/2025
GFSI Certificate MURRAY Murray SQF Certificate - Exp 8.26.25.pdf 7/2/2024 8/26/2025
GFSI Corrective Action MURRAY Murray SQF QA Letter, Report, Cert - 5.16.24.pdf 7/2/2024 8/26/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan MURRAY Murray SQF QA Letter, Report, Cert - 5.16.24.pdf 5/16/2024 8/26/2025
3rd Party Audit Report MURRAY Murray SQF QA Letter, Report, Cert - 5.16.24.pdf 5/16/2024 8/26/2025
Contact Information MURRAY Murray_Contact Info_2024.docx 7/1/2024 7/1/2025
Supplier Contact Verification MURRAY Murray_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2023.docx 1/26/2023 1/25/2025
7-Eleven Vendor Questionnaire MURRAY Murray_Vendor Questionnaire 7-ELEVEN STANDARD_2025.xlsx 2/24/2025 2/24/2027
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement FRASER NDA 7 - Eleven.pdf 2/25/2025 2/25/2027
Non-Disclosure Agreement FRIENDSHIP NDA_Sara Lee_091319_signed.pdf 1/13/2025 11/9/2027
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement TULARE NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2028
NDA WHITE BEAR LAKE NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
NDA SULPHUR SPRINGS NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
NDA NEWINGTON NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
NDA GUSTINE NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
NDA FRIENDSHIP NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
NDA FRASER NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/19/2024 8/19/2027
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement FRIENDSHIP NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2028
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement GUSTINE NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2028
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement NEWINGTON NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2028
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement SULPHUR SPRINGS NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2028
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement WHITE BEAR LAKE NDA-Saputo and 7-Eleven_FULLY EXECUTED_1 November 2019.pdf 8/29/2024 8/29/2028
GFSI Audit Summary NEWINGTON Newington SQF Cert - EXP 4.23.24.pdf 4/6/2023 1/18/2297
3rd Party Audit Report NEWINGTON Newington SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 2.2.24.pdf 3/8/2024 4/24/2025
Supplier Contact Verification NEWINGTON Newington_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2023.pdf 6/1/2023 5/31/2025
Supplier Contact Sheet NEWINGTON Newington_Supplier Contact Sheet_2024.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2025
1F - Consumer Preparation Validation MURRAY NonConformance Saputo Murray KY 5-29-23.xlsx 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart FRASER NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart GUSTINE NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart MURRAY NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart NEWINGTON NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart PLANT CITY NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1B - Process Flow Chart TULARE NotApplicable_1BProcessFlowChart.pdf 1/24/2024 11/7/2297
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis FRASER NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis GUSTINE NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis MURRAY NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis NEWINGTON NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis PLANT CITY NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1C - Raw Material Hazard Analysis TULARE NotApplicable_1CRawMaterialHazardAnalysis.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1D - Evidence of Control Validation FRASER NotApplicable_1DEvidenceofControlValidation.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
1E - Shelf Life Validation FRASER NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation GUSTINE NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation MURRAY NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation NEWINGTON NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation PLANT CITY NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1E - Shelf Life Validation TULARE NotApplicable_1EShelfLifeValidation.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
1F - Consumer Preparation Validation GUSTINE NotApplicable_1FConsumerPreparationValidation.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate WHITE BEAR LAKE NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 2/10/2025 2/10/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 2/10/2025 2/10/2026
3rd Party Audit Certificate GUSTINE NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCertificate.pdf 2/10/2025 2/10/2026
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_3rdPartyAuditCorrectiveActionPlan.pdf 6/21/2024 6/21/2025
Change Notification FRASER NotApplicable_ChangeNotification.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2026
Country of origin for all ingredients and components SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_Countryoforiginforallingredientsandcomponents.pdf 6/27/2024 6/27/2025
Fluid COA Sample FRASER NotApplicable_FluidCOASample.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2027
Fluid COA Sample GUSTINE NotApplicable_FluidCOASample.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2027
Foreign Supplier Verification Program NEWINGTON NotApplicable_ForeignSupplierVerificationProgram.pdf 6/2/2023 6/1/2025
Form 4 - Onsite Agenda & Additional Document Request FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_Form4OnsiteAgendaAdditionalDocumentRequest.pdf 1/26/2023 1/26/2024
Form 4 - Onsite Agenda & Additional Document Request FRASER NotApplicable_Form4OnsiteAgendaAdditionalDocumentRequest.pdf 7/1/2024 4/15/2298
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_Form6NonconformanceTemplate.pdf 12/5/2023 9/18/2297
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template NEWINGTON NotApplicable_Form6NonconformanceTemplate.pdf 12/5/2023 9/18/2297
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire WHITE BEAR LAKE NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire TULARE NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire PLANT CITY NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire GUSTINE NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire FRASER NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire DECATUR NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
FSMA 204 Traceability Questionnaire MURRAY NotApplicable_FSMA204TraceabilityQuestionnaire.pdf 3/3/2025 3/3/2027
GFSI Audit Report SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 6/21/2024 6/21/2025
GFSI Audit Report FRASER NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 7/23/2024 7/23/2025
GFSI Audit Report MURRAY NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 8/27/2024 8/27/2025
GFSI Audit Report WHITE BEAR LAKE NotApplicable_GFSIAuditReport.pdf 9/10/2024 9/10/2025
GFSI Corrective Action SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_GFSICorrectiveAction.pdf 6/21/2024 6/21/2025
Good Agricultural Practices Evidence SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_GoodAgriculturalPracticesEvidence.pdf 6/27/2024 6/27/2025
Lot Code Guide Information FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_LotCodeGuideInformation.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2027
Lot Code Interpretation SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_LotCodeInterpretation.pdf 6/21/2024 6/21/2027
Organizational Chart FRASER NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 6/25/2024 6/25/2025
Organizational Chart TULARE NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 8/14/2024 8/14/2025
Plant License (Chinese Organic Certified Plants Only) FRASER NotApplicable_PlantLicenseChineseOrganicCertifiedPlantsOnly.pdf 9/13/2022 9/13/2023
Process Authority Letter 5-log Reduction WHITE BEAR LAKE NotApplicable_ProcessAuthorityLetter5logReduction.pdf 7/16/2024 7/16/2027
Rework Program SULPHUR SPRINGS NotApplicable_ReworkProgram.pdf 6/28/2024 6/28/2025
Supplier Contact Verification FRASER NotApplicable_SupplierContactVerification.pdf 12/6/2024 12/6/2025
Supporting Documents (Miscellaneous) FRIENDSHIP NotApplicable_SupportingDocumentsMiscellaneous.pdf 8/19/2022 8/19/2023
Testing Lab Certificate(s)-Fluid FRASER NotApplicable_TestingLabCertificatesFluid.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2026
Testing Lab Certificate(s)-Fluid GUSTINE NotApplicable_TestingLabCertificatesFluid.pdf 1/21/2025 1/21/2026
Kosher GUSTINE OKD 250226 Facility Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
Kosher MURRAY OKD 250226 Facility Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC.pdf 2/12/2025 2/12/2026
PCQI Verification PLANT CITY PCQI_2024.pdf 3/6/2024 3/6/2026
Pesticide and Micotoxin Testing Evidence SULPHUR SPRINGS Pest Control_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan PLANT CITY Plant City SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 8.01.24.pdf 8/1/2024 8/13/2025
3rd Party Audit Report PLANT CITY Plant City SQF Letter, Report, Cert - 8.01.24.pdf 8/1/2024 9/13/2025
Supplier Contact Verification PLANT CITY Plant City_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2023.docx 1/26/2023 1/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Saputo Canada POCO Plant POCO_Audit Certificate_Saputo Dairy Products Canada G.P._exp2025JA03.pdf 12/11/2023 1/3/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Saputo Canada POCO Plant POCO_Audit Report_Saputo Dairy Products Canada G.P._1728455_exp2024JA03.pdf 12/19/2022 1/3/2024
California Proposition 65 Saputo Canada POCO Plant Prop65_WINCO 8.24.23cd.pdf 8/24/2023 8/24/2024
California Proposition 65 NEWINGTON Prop65_Winco_1.3.24.pdf 3/11/2024 3/11/2025
FSVP Compliance Statement PLANT CITY QP 07.5.1 Saputo FSVP Compliance .docx 5/15/2023 5/14/2025
Recall History in Past 5 Years FRIENDSHIP Recall History_2023.pdf 3/28/2023 3/27/2024
Recall Plan NEWINGTON Recall Policy_2024.pdf 4/2/2024 4/2/2025
Recall Plan FRIENDSHIP Recall Policy_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2025
Recall Plan TULARE Recall Policy_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
Recall Plan FRASER Recall Policy_2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/4/2025
Bakkavor USA Regulatory Communications Letter FRIENDSHIP Recall Policy_2025.pdf 1/13/2025 1/13/2026
Recall Plan WHITE BEAR LAKE Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan SULPHUR SPRINGS Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan PLANT CITY Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan MURRAY Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan GUSTINE Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan DECATUR Recall Policy_2025.pdf 2/4/2025 2/4/2026
Recall Plan Saputo Canada POCO Plant Recall Program_Summary_Saputo Canada.pdf 4/5/2023 4/4/2024
Record Keeping Policy TULARE Record Keeping_Bakkavor_Aug 2023.pdf 8/22/2023 8/21/2025
Ruiz - New Vendor WHITE BEAR LAKE Ruiz New Vendor Form - Raw Materials.xls 4/17/2024 4/17/2026
Sanitation Program FRIENDSHIP SAN_SSOP_2024.pdf 4/11/2024 4/11/2025
Lot Code FRIENDSHIP SAP Code Explanation_2022.pdf 5/4/2023 5/3/2026
Letter of Guarantee NEWINGTON Saputo Canada GP LOG 2023.pdf 12/17/2024 12/17/2026
Ethical Code of Conduct PLANT CITY SAPUTO CODE_OF_ETHICS_ EN_2014.pdf 2/12/2020 2/11/2022
Ethical Code of Conduct GUSTINE SAPUTO CODE_OF_ETHICS_ EN_2014.pdf 12/20/2019 12/19/2021
Ethical Code of Conduct DECATUR SAPUTO CODE_OF_ETHICS_ EN_2014.pdf 2/12/2020 2/11/2022
Ethical Code of Conduct MURRAY SAPUTO CODE_OF_ETHICS_ EN_2014.pdf 2/12/2020 2/11/2022
Ethical Code of Conduct WHITE BEAR LAKE SAPUTO CODE_OF_ETHICS_ EN_2014.pdf 12/6/2019 12/5/2021
Audit report SULPHUR SPRINGS Saputo Dairy Foods USA LLC Sulphur Springs-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Feb2022-FINAL REPORT.pdf 3/16/2022 4/16/2023
W-9 FRASER Saputo Dairy Foods USA W-9 02-2016.pdf 3/26/2018 3/25/2021
GFSI Audit Report DECATUR Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Decatur)-FS Recert-Feb2023-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/11/2023 4/30/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan GUSTINE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine)-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Mar2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
3rd Party Audit Report GUSTINE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine)-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Mar2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
GFSI Audit Report GUSTINE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine)-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Mar2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
GFSI Corrective Action GUSTINE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine)-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Mar2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
SQF Quality Code Report GUSTINE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine)-UNANNOUNCED QA Recert-Mar2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan NEWINGTON Saputo Dairy foods USA, LLC (Newington)-FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 3/8/2024 4/24/2025
GFSI Audit Report NEWINGTON Saputo Dairy foods USA, LLC (Newington)-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Mar2023-FINAL REPORT.pdf 4/6/2023 4/23/2024
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan Kemps Rockford Saputo GFSI Plant and Supplier Audit Sharing.pdf 1/30/2025 1/29/2026
3rd Party Audit Report Kemps Rockford Saputo GFSI Plant and Supplier Audit Sharing.pdf 2/21/2025 2/21/2026
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template PLANT CITY Saputo Plant City FL GEC-FS-3.1-Form 06 Non-Conformance Summary.xlsx 1/9/2024 10/23/2297
GFSI Certification TULARE Saputo USA-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT (Tulare J).pdf 5/25/2024 3/9/2298
GFSI Audit Report TULARE Saputo USA-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
GFSI Corrective Action TULARE Saputo USA-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan TULARE Saputo USA-UNANNOUNCED FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
W-9 TULARE Saputo W9.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2027
W-9 WHITE BEAR LAKE Saputo W9.pdf 4/15/2024 4/15/2027
W-9 GUSTINE Saputo W9.pdf 6/3/2024 6/3/2027
W-9 SULPHUR SPRINGS Saputo W9.pdf 11/18/2022 11/17/2025
Form 6 - Nonconformance Template SULPHUR SPRINGS Saputo, Sulphur Springs, GEC-FS-3.1-Form 06 Non-Conformance Summary.xlsx 1/8/2024 10/22/2297
Ethical Code of Conduct NEWINGTON Saputo_Supplier_CodeOfConduct_ENG_Final.pdf 9/17/2020 9/17/2022
Certificate of Insurance (INSTRUCTIONS ONLY) FRIENDSHIP Sara Lee Frozen Bakery, LLC-OakbrookTerrIL(58227).pdf 11/1/2022 11/1/2023
Letter of Guarantee FRIENDSHIP Sara Lee_Continuing Product Guarantee and Indemnity Agreement_2018.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
SLFB LLC- Food Traceability Rule Notification Questionnaire FRIENDSHIP Sara Lee1003342_SLFB_Food Traceability Rule Questionnaire_Friendship.pdf 1/29/2025 1/29/2026
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement GUSTINE SCUSA - BPA Letter 2024.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Statement WHITE BEAR LAKE SCUSA - BPA Letter 2024.pdf 10/3/2024 10/3/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement DECATUR SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement FRASER SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement FRIENDSHIP SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 2/1/2024 1/31/2025
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement GUSTINE SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement MURRAY SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement NEWINGTON SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement PLANT CITY SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement TULARE SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
PFAS/PFOS and PFAS/PFOS Derivative Free Statement WHITE BEAR LAKE SCUSA and SDF - Letter to customers (PFAS) - DFA.pdf 1/12/2023 1/11/2026
Organizational Chart GUSTINE SDF Gustine__orgChart.pdf 5/10/2024 5/10/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions FRASER SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Fraser.xlsx 9/26/2022 9/26/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions FRIENDSHIP SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Friendship.xlsx 9/26/2022 9/26/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions GUSTINE SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Gustine.xlsx 9/30/2022 9/30/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions MURRAY SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Murray.xlsx 9/30/2022 9/30/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions NEWINGTON SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Newington.xlsx 9/26/2022 9/26/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions PLANT CITY SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Plant City.xlsx 9/26/2022 9/26/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions SULPHUR SPRINGS SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Sulphur Springs.xlsx 9/30/2022 9/30/2025
Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions TULARE SM-US-003 Form 3 - Desk Assessment Questions Saputo - Tulare.xlsx 9/30/2022 9/30/2025
GFSI Certificate PLANT CITY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE - PLANT CITY FL - EXP 9.13.25.pdf 9/5/2024 9/13/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate PLANT CITY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE - PLANT CITY FL - EXP 9.13.25.pdf 9/5/2024 9/13/2025
GFSI Certification MURRAY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Cheese, USA DUE JUN 2024.pdf 7/21/2023 8/26/2024
GFSI Audit Summary MURRAY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Cheese, USA DUE JUN 2024.pdf 7/20/2023 5/3/2297
GFSI Certification PLANT CITY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA LLC DUE JUN 2024 (Plant City).pdf 8/11/2023 9/13/2024
GFSI Audit Summary PLANT CITY SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA LLC DUE JUN 2024 (Plant City).pdf 8/11/2023 5/25/2297
GFSI Certificate DECATUR SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Decatur) DUE FEB 2024.pdf 4/11/2023 4/30/2024
GFSI Certification GUSTINE SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine) DUE MAR 2025.pdf 4/24/2024 2/6/2298
GFSI Certificate GUSTINE SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy Foods USA, LLC (Gustine) DUE MAR 2025.pdf 4/24/2024 6/10/2025
GFSI Certificate NEWINGTON SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy foods USA, LLC (Newington) DUE FEB 2024.pdf 4/6/2023 4/23/2024
3rd Party Audit Certificate NEWINGTON SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy foods USA, LLC (Newington) DUE FEB 2025.pdf 3/8/2024 4/24/2025
GFSI Certification NEWINGTON SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo Dairy foods USA, LLC (Newington) DUE FEB 2025.pdf 3/8/2024 12/21/2297
GFSI Certificate TULARE SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo USA DUE MAR 2025 (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate TULARE SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo USA DUE MAR 2025 (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Report TULARE SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo USA DUE MAR 2025 (Tulare J).pdf 4/1/2024 5/25/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Kemps Rockford SQF FSQA CERTIFICATE DFA Dairy Brands Fluid LLC dba Kemps Culture DUE NOV 2025.pdf 1/30/2025 1/29/2026
GFSI Audit Summary SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur Springs SQF Cert - EXP 4.15.24.pdf 1/31/2023 11/14/2296
3rd Party Audit Report SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur Springs_Saputo USA-FS Recert-Feb2024-FINAL REPORT.pdf 3/4/2024 4/16/2025
GFSI Certification SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur Springs_SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo USA Expires APR 2025.pdf 3/4/2024 12/17/2297
GFSI Certificate SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur Springs_SQF FS.QA CERTIFICATE Saputo USA Expires APR 2025.pdf 3/4/2024 4/16/2025
Supplier Contact Sheet SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur Springs_Supplier Contact Sheet_2024.pdf 8/20/2024 8/20/2025
Contact Information SULPHUR SPRINGS Sulphur_Contact Info_2024.docx 6/25/2024 6/25/2025
Supplier Contact Sheet FRASER Supplier Contact Sheet_Delhi.pdf 4/26/2024 4/26/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum SULPHUR SPRINGS Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 1/23/2023 1/22/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum TULARE Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/12/2023 10/11/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum WHITE BEAR LAKE Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/13/2023 10/12/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum PLANT CITY Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 10/23/2023 10/22/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum GUSTINE Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 12/5/2023 12/4/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum DECATUR Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 12/7/2023 12/6/2025
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum FRIENDSHIP Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 2/15/2024 2/14/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum NEWINGTON Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 3/18/2024 3/18/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum MURRAY Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 11/18/2024 11/18/2026
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum FRASER Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 11/18/2024 11/18/2026
Supplier Questionnaire DECATUR Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/27/2023 4/26/2025
Supplier Questionnaire PLANT CITY Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/27/2023 4/26/2025
Supplier Questionnaire Saputo Canada POCO Plant Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 11/2/2023 11/1/2025
Supplier Questionnaire FRIENDSHIP Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/15/2024 2/14/2026
Supplier Questionnaire MURRAY Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/23/2024 4/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire FRASER Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/23/2024 4/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire SULPHUR SPRINGS Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/6/2024 5/6/2026
Supplier Questionnaire WHITE BEAR LAKE Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/24/2024 5/24/2026
Supplier Questionnaire TULARE Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 7/23/2024 7/23/2026
Supplier Questionnaire NEWINGTON Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/10/2025 2/10/2027
Supplier Questionnaire GUSTINE Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 2/20/2025 2/20/2027
Change Notification Letter FRIENDSHIP SUPPLIER'S CHANGE NOTIFICATION AGREEMENT 2023.pdf 10/30/2023 10/29/2024
Sustainability (Level 1) FRASER Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 4/29/2020 4/29/2023
Sustainability (Level 1) TULARE Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 6/1/2022 5/31/2025
Sustainability (Level 1) FRIENDSHIP Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 9/26/2024 9/26/2027
Sustainability (Level 2) TULARE Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 6/1/2022 5/31/2025
Sustainability (Level 2) FRASER Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 4/30/2020 4/30/2023
Sustainability (Level 2) FRIENDSHIP Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 9/27/2023 9/26/2026
Tanker Wash Sanitizer FRASER Tanker Wash Label.jpg 11/16/2023 11/15/2025
Tanker Wash Sanitizer GUSTINE Tanker Wash Label_Gustine.jpeg 12/7/2023 12/6/2025
FSMA Food Traceability Rule (Procedure) TULARE Traceability_Bakkavor_Aug 2023.pdf 8/22/2023 8/21/2025
Topco FSVP Verification Form TULARE Tulare 2023 FSVP Verification Form.pdf 4/25/2023 4/25/2025
7-Eleven Vendor Questionnaire TULARE Tulare J St Plant_Vendor Questionnaire 7-ELEVEN STANDARD VQ.xlsx 8/14/2024 8/14/2026
7-Eleven Supplier Requirement TULARE Tulare J St Plant_Vendor Questionnaire 7-ELEVEN STANDARD VQ.xlsx 11/1/2024 11/1/2026
Contact Information TULARE Tulare_Contact Info_2024.docx 6/25/2024 6/25/2025
Supplier Contact Verification TULARE Tulare_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2023.docx 1/26/2023 1/25/2025
Letter of Authenticity SULPHUR SPRINGS USM Manufacturing dba Praters Foods_LOG.pdf 6/13/2024 6/13/2026
2.3.4_SOP _Supplier Quality Program_220911 FRIENDSHIP Vendor Approval_2023.pdf 11/16/2023 11/15/2026
Supplier Approval Program Statement FRASER Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 4/18/2024 4/18/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement MURRAY Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 4/18/2024 4/18/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement TULARE Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement GUSTINE Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement WHITE BEAR LAKE Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement FRIENDSHIP Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 9/23/2024 9/23/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement SULPHUR SPRINGS Vendor Approval_2024.pdf 6/11/2024 6/11/2025
Supplier Approval Program Statement PLANT CITY Vendor Approval_2025.pdf 1/31/2025 1/31/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Kemps Rockford Ventura_Emergency Contact.pdf 8/22/2024 8/22/2025
W-9 NEWINGTON W-9 2020.pdf 8/25/2020 8/25/2023
W-9 FRIENDSHIP W9 signed Feb 2021_SCUSA_.pdf 5/4/2023 5/3/2026
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire FRASER Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Fraser.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire FRIENDSHIP Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Friendship.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire GUSTINE Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Gustine.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire MURRAY Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Murray.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire NEWINGTON Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Newington.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire PLANT CITY Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Plant City.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire SULPHUR SPRINGS Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Sulphur Springs.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
Supplier Food Safety Questionnaire TULARE Walmart Supplier Questionnaire_2022_Tulare.xlsx 9/8/2022 9/8/2025
1A - PDHA FRASER WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Fraser.xlsx 9/14/2022 9/14/2026
1A - PDHA FRIENDSHIP WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Friendship.xlsx 8/9/2022 8/9/2026
1A - PDHA GUSTINE WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Gustine.xlsx 9/15/2022 9/15/2026
1A - PDHA MURRAY WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Murray.xlsx 9/14/2022 9/14/2026
1A - PDHA NEWINGTON WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Newington.xlsx 9/15/2022 9/15/2026
1A - PDHA PLANT CITY WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Plant City.xlsx 9/14/2022 9/14/2026
1A - PDHA SULPHUR SPRINGS WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Sulphur Springs.xlsx 9/15/2022 9/15/2026
1A - PDHA TULARE WalMart_PDHA Form 2022_Tulare.xlsx 8/9/2022 8/9/2026
Contact Information WHITE BEAR LAKE WBL_Contact Info_2024.docx 6/25/2024 6/25/2025
Supplier Contact Verification WHITE BEAR LAKE WBL_DFA - Supplier Contact Verification Form 2025.pdf 1/28/2025 1/28/2027
GFSI Certificate WHITE BEAR LAKE White Bear Lake SQF Certificate - Exp 9.2.25.pdf 7/15/2024 9/2/2025
GFSI Corrective Action WHITE BEAR LAKE White Bear Lake SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 6.14.24.pdf 7/15/2024 9/2/2025
3rd Party Audit Corrective Action Plan WHITE BEAR LAKE White Bear Lake SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 6.14.24.pdf 7/15/2024 9/2/2025
3rd Party Audit Report WHITE BEAR LAKE White Bear Lake SQF Letter, Reports, Cert - 6.14.24.pdf 7/15/2024 9/2/2025
Ethical Sourcing Self-Audit WHITE BEAR LAKE White Bear Lake_Ethical Sourcing Self-Audit Checklist_2024.pdf 5/23/2024 10/8/2051
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Saputo Canada POCO Plant WinCo Emergency Contact List 3-20-23.pdf 8/22/2023 8/21/2024