Marich Confectionery

Pan Crafted Chocolate Confectionery Products.
Location name Address
Marich Confectionery 2101 Bert Drive Hollister, CA 95023 USA
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Supplier Questionnaire Marich Confectionery --
Supplier Questionnaire Marich Confectionery --
Allergen control program Marich Confectionery Allergen Control Program SM-06-038-VER15.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2026
Allergen Control Policy Marich Confectionery Allergen Control Program.pdf 7/12/2024 7/12/2026
Pathogen Environmental Monitoring Program Marich Confectionery Bloodborne Pathogen and Other Bodily Fluids Response Procedure.pdf 4/30/2024 4/30/2026
Contact Information Form Marich Confectionery Contact Information Form _1800 Flowers.docx 3/6/2023 3/6/2024
Environmental Monitoring Program Marich Confectionery Environmental Microbial Program 06-060-VER9.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2026
Facility Allergen Marich Confectionery Facility Allergens.xlsx 10/3/2024 10/3/2025
FDA Registration Marich Confectionery FDA Statement 2022.pdf 1/26/2024 1/27/2026
Food Safety Process Flow w/Preventive Controls Marich Confectionery HACCP Plan 1 Flow Chart - Signed.pdf 6/26/2024 6/26/2026
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Marich Confectionery HACCP Plan 2 02-005-VER15.pdf 8/6/2021 8/5/2024
HACCP Plan (Facility) Marich Confectionery HACCP Plan 2 SM-02-005-VER19-SIGNED.pdf 6/26/2024 6/26/2026
HACCP/Food Safety Plan Flow Diagram Marich Confectionery HACCP Plan 2 SM-02-005-VER19-SIGNED.pdf 6/26/2024 6/26/2027
Letter of Guarantee Marich Confectionery Letter of Guarantee.pdf 11/5/2024 11/5/2026
Lot Code Marich Confectionery Lot Coding Procedure 04-108-VER6.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2027
Kosher Marich Confectionery Marich Confectionery - Kosher Certificate - 9-30-2025.pdf 10/2/2024 9/30/2025
Food Defense Plan Statement Marich Confectionery Marich Food Defense Plan 02-021.pdf 7/23/2024 7/23/2026
Bioterrorism Letter Marich Confectionery Marich Food Defense Plan 02-021-VER2.pdf 7/27/2021 7/27/2022
W-9 Marich Confectionery MARICH W-9.pdf 12/12/2023 12/11/2026
Micro Sampling Plan Marich Confectionery Microbiology Testing Procedures 06-065-VER7.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2027
CFIA Registration Marich Confectionery NotApplicable_CFIARegistration.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2025
General Compliance Marich Confectionery NotApplicable_GeneralCompliance.pdf 7/17/2023 7/16/2025
Organizational Chart Marich Confectionery NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 7/17/2023 7/17/2024
PCQI Certificate Marich Confectionery Preventive Controls.pdf 10/18/2016 10/18/2026
Other 3rd Party Audit Certificates Marich Confectionery REC227-A_SQF_229-Certificate-Quality-2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/27/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Marich Confectionery REC227-A_SQF_229-Certificate-Quality-2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/27/2025
GFSI Certificate Marich Confectionery REC227-A_SQF_229-Certificate-Quality-2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/27/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Marich Confectionery REC227-A_SQF_229-Certificate-Quality-2024.pdf 11/4/2024 11/27/2025
Traceability Program Marich Confectionery Recall and Traceability SM-02-023-VER19.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2026
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Marich Confectionery Recall and Traceability SM-02-023-VER20.pdf 6/18/2024 6/18/2025
Recall Plan Marich Confectionery Recall and Traceability SM-02-023-VER20.pdf 6/18/2024 6/18/2025
Tootsi Impex Letter of Guarantee Marich Confectionery Signed Letter of Guarantee 7-18-2023.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2025
GFSI Audit Report Marich Confectionery SQF-229-Food Safety Audit 110101 - 6550-Marich Confectionery Company-Ed-9.pdf 10/17/2023 11/27/2024
Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum Marich Confectionery Supplier Questionnaire - Addendum.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2026
Supplier Questionnaire Marich Confectionery Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 11/21/2023 11/20/2025
Sustainability (Level 2) Marich Confectionery Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 5/11/2021 5/10/2024
Tootsi Food Fraud Commitment Letter Marich Confectionery TOOTSI FOOD FRAUD COMMITEMENT LETTER 2024.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2025
CoA Sample Marich Confectionery Tootsi Impex Sensory COA Item 12830 Organic Dark Chocolate Almonds Lot 07124 o) 207252.pdf 6/6/2024 6/6/2026